Freeze video using Frame Hold options

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Frame Hold Options is a feature that allows you to control how a frame is held or frozen in a video clip. It is often used when you want to freeze a specific frame for a duration within your video.

The Frame Hold options capture a still frame without creating additional media or project items.

Before you begin

Import media and add clips to the timeline.

  1. Position the playhead at the desired frame you’d like to capture.
  2. Select Clip > Video Options > Frame Hold.
  3. To insert a frame hold segment, select Clip > Video Options > Insert Frame Hold.


A still image of the current placement of the playhead is created in the Timeline. If you created a frame hold segment, the clip at the playhead position is split, and a two-second freeze frame is inserted. You can then trim the inserted freeze frame to any length.