Freeze a video frame for the duration of a clip

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn to freeze a video frame for a clip in Premiere Pro.

If present, you can freeze on the clip’s In point, Out point, or at marker 0 (zero).

Before you begin

Import media, and add clips to the timeline, and select a clip in the timeline.

  1. To freeze a frame other than the In or Out point, open the clip in the Source Monitor, and set Marker 0 (zero) to the frame you want to freeze.
  2. Choose Clip > Video Options > Frame Hold.
  3. Select Hold On, and select the frame you want to hold from the menu. You can select the frame based on Source Timecode, Sequence Timecode, In Point, Out Point, or Playhead position.
  4. Specify Hold Filters as necessary, and then select OK.
    Prevents keyframed effect settings (if any are present) from animating during the clip's duration. Effect settings use the values at the held frame.

If you set the hold frame on an In or Out point, changing the edit point doesn’t change the freeze frame. If you set the hold on Marker 0, moving the marker changes the frame displayed.


A video frame is frozen for the duration of a clip in Premiere Pro from the clip’s In point, Out point, or at marker 0 (zero).