Adjust controls in the Effect Controls panel

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn about different ways to adjust or reset controls in the Effect Controls panel in Premiere Pro.

There are multiple ways to adjust or reset controls in the Effect Controls panel.

  • To change a property value, place the pointer over the underlined value, and drag to the left or right.
Use the pointer and drag it to either left or right to decrease or increase the property value respectively.

  • Select the property value, enter a new value, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (macOS).
Use the property filed to enter a value directly to decrease or increase its value.

  • Expand the property by selecting the icon next to the property name if it is available and drag the slider or angle control depending on the property.
Use the slider under the effect to change its property.

  • To set an angle, drag inside the angle control area, scrub the underlined text, or select the underlined text and enter a value. Once you have selected inside the angle control, you can drag outside it to quickly change the values.
  • To reset an effect’s properties to their default settings, select Reset Parameter next to the effect. All properties that don’t contain keyframes are reset to their default values. If a property contains keyframes, that property is reset to the default at the current time only. Keyframes that occur at the current time are reset to the default value. If no keyframes occur at the current time, new keyframes are created using the default values.

If you accidentally reset the settings, restore your work by selecting Edit > Undo.