Export graphic as a Motion Graphics template

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to export your Graphic, including all text and shape layers, effects and keyframes, as a Motion Graphics template for future reuse or sharing. 

Before you begin

Create a project, assemble a sequence on the timeline, and add text and graphic elements.

  1. Select Graphics and Titles > Export Motion Graphics template
A screenshot that has the Export As Motion Graphics Template option selected under the Graphics and Titles menu to export the graphic clips as a Motion Graphic template.
Use the Export As Motion Graphics Template option under the Graphics and Titles menu to export the graphic clips as a Motion Graphic template.

  1. You can also right-click the graphic clip in your timeline and select Export As Motion Graphics Template.
A screenshot that has the Export As Motion Graphics Template option selected from the context menu triggered after a right-click the graphic clip.
Right-click the graphic clip and select the Export As Motion Graphics Template option to export the graphic clips as a Motion Graphic template.


This export feature is only available for graphics created in Premiere Pro, not for .mogrt files that were originally created in After Effects. The Export As Motion Graphics Template option is unavailable or greyed out when two or more Graphics are selected or if it is an After Effects Graphic.


The selected graphic clip gets exported as Motion Graphics template.