Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to delete a keyframe from an effect property in either the Effect Controls or Timeline panel.

If you no longer need a keyframe, you can easily delete it from an effect property in the Effect Controls or Timeline panel. You can also remove all keyframes at once or deactivate keyframes for the effect property.

Before you begin

Make sure that the effect property’s graphs are visible in the Effect Controls or Timeline panel.

  1. Select one or more keyframes and select Edit > Clear. You can also press Delete.

If you accidentally delete keyframes, select Edit > Undo.

Select the keyframes in the effect property graph and use the Clear option from the Edit menu.

  1. To delete all keyframes for an effect property in the Effect Controls panel, select the Toggle Animation icon next to the name of the effect or property. On the confirmation prompt for deletion of keyframes, select OK.

When you deactivate the Toggle Animation   button, keyframes for that property are permanently removed, and the value of that property becomes the value at the current time. You cannot restore deleted keyframes by reactivating the Toggle Animation button.


The selected keyframes are deleted and the corresponding effect properties associated with those keyframes are removed.