Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

You can shift clips around the timeline to arrange your video and audio elements as desired.

Premiere Pro offers various ways to manipulate clips in the timeline, and the method you choose may depend on the complexity of your project and your desired outcome. Use these methods of moving clips depending on your needs.

The simplest way to move a clip is to select the clip and drag and drop it to a different place on the timeline.

Move a clip by dragging and dropping it to a different place on the timeline.

You can also use the keyboard arrow keys to nudge selected clips left or right by small increments. This is useful for precise adjustments. Hold down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) keys while pressing the arrow keys to make larger nudge adjustments.

If you want the other clips to automatically adjust to make room for a clip when you move it, use the Ripple Edit tool.

Use the Ripple Edit tool to adjust other clips when moving a clip.

You can perform insert and overwrite edits by using the comma (,) and period (.) keys, respectively. These shortcuts allow you to insert a clip at the playhead position (comma) or overwrite a clip at the playhead position (period).