Add clips to the timeline using Text-Based Editing

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Text-Based Editing allows you to perform three-point edits to build a sequence on the Timeline in Premiere Pro.

Before you begin

Transcription is required only for videos that include spoken dialogue. If you don’t need to transcribe all your source media, you can import the media normally and then transcribe specific files.

  1. Launch Premiere Pro and create a new project.
  2. Select the media you'd like to import.
  3. Open the Text-Based Editing workspace.
  4. In the Project panel, double-click the clips you want to transcribe.
  5. In the Text panel, select Transcribe.
  6. In the Transcript window, read through the text or use search to find the content you'd like to use.
  7. Highlight the text in the transcript and select Insert to add it to the sequence.
  8. Continue adding clips from source media until all clips you want to use are on the Timeline.

Just like three-point edits with source video, you can use the comma key (,) to add clips to the Timeline.


You’ll be able to add clips and build a sequence using Text-Based Editing.