Set source In and Out points for a split edit

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to trim clips for split edits in the Source Monitor before adding them to a sequence.

Although it’s common to create split edits after clips are assembled into a rough cut, it’s possible to trim clips for split edits in the Source Monitor before adding them to the sequence.

  1. Open a clip in the Source Monitor, and then move the playhead to the frame you want to set as a video or audio In or Out point.
  2. In the Source Monitor, select Mark In and Mark Out to select a portion of the clip.
  3. Right-click and select Mark Split from the pop-up list. Select Video In, Video Out, Audio In, or Audio Out per your needs.
  4. Set the remaining video and audio In and Out points.

When you add the clip to a sequence, the video portion starts and ends at different times than the audio.


You have trimmed a clip for split edits in the Source Monitor and added In and Out points.