Synchronize clips in the Timeline panel

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to synchronize clips in the timeline panel before you create a merged clip.

Synchronizing clips allows you to sync one or more audio clips with a video clip. These clips could be recorded separately, such as video and audio clips or clips recorded from different cameras in sync. After synchronizing the clips, you can create a merged clip in the Timeline panel.

Manually synchronize clips in the Timeline panel

  1. Add the clips to the Timeline panel.
  2. Edit the clips and then align them by dragging them into place until they’re synchronized.

Synchronize clips using the Synchronize function

  1. Select the clips you want to synchronize.
  2. Select Clip > Synchronize.
  3. In the Synchronize Clips dialog box, choose from one of the following options for the point of synchronization:
A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
Choose one of the Synchronize Point to start merging the clips.

  • In points: Locates sync based on the In point. (At the clap of the slate, for example).
  • Out points: Locates sync based on the Out point. (At the clap of the tail slate, for example).
  • Timecode: Locates sync based on a common timecode between the clips.
  • Clip Marker: Locates sync point based on a numbered clip marker in the middle of the shot. This function is disabled unless all component clips have at least one numbered marker.
  1. Select OK to complete the synchronization.


The selected clips are synchronized, and it is ready to be merged into one.