Correct aspect ratio misinterpretations

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to rectify misinterpreted individual aspect ratios in Premiere Pro.

Before you begin

Ensure to correct pixel aspect ratio for individual assets before you create a sequence because misinterpretations can’t be changed after you create the sequence.

  1. Right-click the still image in the Project panel.
  2. Select Clip > Modify > Interpret Footage.
  3. Choose one of the following in the Pixel Aspect Ratio section and select OK:
    • Use Pixel Aspect Ratio From File: Uses the original aspect ratio saved with the still image.
    • Conform To: Lets you choose from a list of standard aspect ratios.


By ensuring that all files are interpreted correctly, you can combine footage with different ratios in the same project. Then, you can generate output that doesn’t distort the resulting images.