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Q & A pod

  1. Adobe Connect User Guide
  2. Introduction
    1. What's New in Adobe Connect
    2. Adobe Connect meeting room basics
    3. Adobe Connect Capabilities in HTML Client
    4. Adobe Connect application for desktop
    5. Adobe Connect technical specifications and system requirements
    6. Keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Connect
  3. Adobe Connect Meeting
    1. Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
    2. Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
    3. Adobe Connect application for desktop
    4. Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
    5. Adobe Connect Central home page
    6. Share content during a session
      1. Screen sharing in sessions
      2. Share pod
      3. Screen sharing on browser
      4. Share system audio
      5. Share a document
      6. Share a presentation
      7. Share a whiteboard
      8. Share files
      9. Share web URLs
    7. Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
    8. View meeting reports and analytics data
    9. Work with Pods
      1. Pods in sessions
      2. Notes pod
      3. Chat pod
      4. Q & A pod
      5. Poll pod
      6. Quiz pod    
    10. Reactions in Adobe Connect room
    11. Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
    12. Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
    13. Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
    14. Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
  4. Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
    1. Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
    2. Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
    3. Change the timeout period
    4. Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
    5. Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
    6. Enhance Adobe Connect account security
    7. Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
    8. Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
    9. Manage users and groups
    10. Set permissions for library files and folders
    11. Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
    12. Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
    13. Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
    14. Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
    15. Start and stop Adobe Connect services
  5. Adobe Connect Events
    1. About Adobe Connect Events
    2. Manage Adobe Connect Events
    3. Attend Adobe Connect Events
    4. Create and edit Adobe Connect Events
    5. Event analytics for webinars
  6. Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
    1. About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
    2. Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
    3. Create and manage seminars
    4. Create training courses in Adobe Connect
    5. Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
    6. About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
    7. Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
    8. Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
    9. Session dashboard
    10. Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
  7. Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
    1. Audio in Adobe Connect meetings
    2. Record and play back Adobe Connect meetings
    3. Video in Adobe Connect meetings
    4. Pop out video from video pod
  8. Manage user content in Adobe Connect
    1. View reports and usage information about uploaded content
    2. Work with content in the Content library
    3. Work with Adobe Connect library files and folders


Learn how to enable attendees to ask questions and respond to them in Adobe Connect.

The Q&A pod enables participants to ask questions, which hosts and presenters can manage and respond to. Submitted questions are visible only to hosts and presenters. Hosts can choose to reply privately to the submitter or publicly, making the question and answer visible to all participants. Additionally, hosts can assign questions to specific presenters to answer.

The following topics are covered in this article:

Add Q&A pod

To add a Q&A pod to the session, select the Pods menu   and then select Q&A.

Submit a question in the Q&A pod

In the participant view of the Q&A pod, type your question in the text box. You can add hyperlinks to questions.

View modes in Q&A pod

By default, hosts and presenters have additional controls visible in the Q&A pod but can switch to Participant View to see questions and answers as participants do.

  • Presenter view displays options visible only to hosts and presenters. This mode is used to manage and respond to questions.
  • Participant view displays the list of questions you have asked and their responses. It also displays questions (and answers) from other participants that have been answered publicly.

Participants can only access Participant view and don't have the option to switch to Presenter view.

Answer questions in the Q&A pod

  1. Select a question from the list.

  2. Type your answer in the text box at the bottom of the pod.
  3. Select one of the following buttons in the lower-right corner of the Q&A pod:

    Reply to everyone

    Sends the answer to all attendees.

    Reply privately

    Sends the answer only to the attendee who asked the question.

    Reply privately or everyone in the group
    Reply privately or everyone in the group

Send message in the Q&A pod

Hosts can use the Q&A pod to broadcast messages to all participants or specific attendees. These messages are visible only to the selected recipients and can convey instructions or information. For instance, at the beginning of a session, hosts can display a message such as "Please use the Q&A pod to ask questions" in a blank Q&A pod to guide participants.

The message has a different format that distinguishes it from the regular Q&A messages that are visible to all attendees.

  1. From the Q&A pod options , select Send message to attendees.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • Everyone: Select Everyone when you want to share a similar message to everyone in the room.
    • Individual: Select Individual when you want to share a message with one or more attendees. Add the Names(s) of those attendees. You can add up to 10 attendees at one time. 
    Send message to everyone or individual(s)
    Send message to everyone or individual(s)

  3. Select Send.

Assign a question to a specific presenter

Questions can be assigned to presenters with specific expertise.

The question will then appear as Assigned to (PresenterName) to other presenters. Presenters can use the Assigned to me filter to view questions assigned to them. Assigning a question indicates who should answer it but does not prevent other presenters from responding.

  1. In the Presenter view of the Q&A pod, select the question from the list.

  2. Select a presenter from the Assign to dropdown.

Indicators for re-assigning questions.
Re-assign questions

Filter questions in Q&A pod

Questions can be filtered to display only specific ones.

Presenter view

  1. In the Presenter view of the Q&A pod, select the dropdown.

  2. Select one of the following:

    All questions

    Displays all questions that you have received, starting either with a new pod or from the last time the pod was cleared.

    Open questions

    Displays all unanswered questions not assigned to anyone.

    Answered questions

    Displays all questions that have been answered.

    Questions assigned to me

    Displays only unanswered questions that have been assigned to you. A question answered by someone else, can still be reassigned to a user and then shows in their list.

Participant view

  1. In the Participant view of the Q&A pod, select the dropdown.

  2. Select one of the following:

    All questions

    Displays all questions that are posted by different hosts and presenters.

    My questions

    Displays all questions posted by you.

Delete individual questions

Questions can be deleted to clean up the Presenter view. When deleted, the question and any associated responses are deleted for everyone.

  1. In the Presenter view of the Q&A pod, select a question.

  2. Select Delete .

Clear all questions

You can delete all the questions in the Q&A pod. This is useful when reusing the room in future sessions. 

From the Presenter view and Participant view, select Q&A pod options, then select Clear all questions.

Hide attendee names for questions

By default, attendee names appear next to submitted questions and answers. Hosts can hide the names in the Participant view to ensure privacy and anonymity.

  1. From the room menu  , select Preferences.

  2. In Q&A pod preferences, deselect the Show submitter's name with answered questions, the Show presenter's name with answered questions, or both.

Save or email Q&A contents

To export the content in the Q&A pod, follow these steps:

  1. From the Q&A pod options , select Export.

  2. Select either Download or Email.

    The Download button downloads the entire content in a .txt file. If you choose the Email option, the entire content is shared via email on your registered ID.

    The downloaded text file organizes the questions based on the answered and open questions.

Move the Presenter view to Backstage

The Presenter view of the Q&A pod can be moved to the Backstage. This feature allows hosts and presenters to manage and respond to questions more effectively in a larger space, especially when the Q&A pod area is small and challenging to monitor.

From the Q&A pod options  , select Move presenter view to backstage to move the Presenter view to Backstage.

Deselect Move presenter view to backstage to return the Presenter view back to the Q&A pod.

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