Change country associated with your Adobe account

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to change the country associated with your Adobe account if you purchased a subscription directly from Adobe.

When you don't have an active subscription

If you don't have an active subscription, select the scenario that applies to you: 

If you purchased directly from Adobe

If you’ve purchased directly from Adobe and don't have an active subscription, you can change the country when you subscribe to a plan.

  1. Go to the Creative Cloud plans page.
  2. Select Buy now to purchase a subscription.
Screen with subscription options to help users become aware of what's available to them.
Purchase the subscription you want.

  1. Follow the onscreen instructions until you reach the payment page.
  2. On the payment page, select your new country from the Country/Region dropdown option.
Select your new country from the Country/Region drop-down options.
Change your Country/Region from the United States to your new country.


If you’re unable to change the country, contact us

  1. In the pop-up window that opens, select Change to <country name>.
Change your country to the new country
Confirm the country change.

  1. On the updated payment page, enter new address details. The currency and tax details change automatically as per the newly selected country. 
  2. To complete your purchase with the updated country and address, follow the onscreen instructions.

If you purchased from Digital River

  1. Sign in at
  2. In the Account information and access section, change your Primary email (Adobe ID) to another valid email address.
Screen to change your Adobe account email address.
Change your existing email address.


Ensure that you’re not associating your current Adobe account with an invalid email address.

  1. As the original email address is free now, create a new Adobe account with it for your current country.

Change the country when you have an active subscription

If you have an active subscription, contact us to change the country associated with your Adobe account.


You've successfully updated your country details.

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