In the Admin Console, navigate to the Overview tab.
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- Identity types | Overview
- Set up identity | Overview
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- Manage developers
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Applies to enterprise.
Learn how to manage API developers on the Adobe Admin Console.
Adobe I/O is the platform for developers in your organization looking to integrate, extend, or create apps and experiences based on Adobe's products and technologies. Developers use it to build on top of Creative Cloud, Document Cloud, Experience Cloud, or other Adobe API products.
Your developers on Adobe I/O build API credentials with Adobe API products. These API credentials are a pipeline from external apps and services to the Adobe API.
- First, you add developers (individually or in bulk) to product profiles of products that include API access on the Admin Console. You can also set auto-assignment rules to automatically provision access to qualified users based on set assignment rules.
This provides your developers with the permissions to create API credentials. - Next, your developers add the required API credentials on Adobe I/O.
- Finally, you add these API credentials to product profiles again on the Admin Console.
On the Admin Console, you can also edit user (or developer) accounts to add or remove them from product profiles. You can also remove developers from product profiles.
The Developer account type is only available for a specific set of Adobe products. A Developer account can be added to the Admin Console, only for products that allow this type of account, and the Developer account type is available on the Admin console.
As an administrator, the Admin Console allows you to create and manage developer accounts. When you add developers to product profiles on the Admin Console, you provide these developers with access privileges to create API credentials (on Adobe I/O). Also, on Adobe I/O, developers can associate the API credentials they create with product profiles, but only the product profiles to which the developer has access.
When API calls are made from the API credentials that a developer creates, they are executed with the API credentials of the associated product profiles.
The Assign Developer option in the Quick Links section of the Overview tab allows you to add a developer to multiple products, simultaneously.
To add the developer to multiple products, click Add Developers in the Quick Links section in the upper-right corner of the Overview tab.
Enter a name or email address. You can search for existing users or add a user by specifying a valid email address, and filling the information on the screen.
Select the products to assign to the user.
After you have selected all the required product profiles, you can scroll down to add more developers and select product profiles to assign to them.
Then, click Save.
Note:You can add up to ten developers here. To add more, repeat the above steps.
The Developers tab of a product profile allows you to add developers to that product profile.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Products.
Click the desired product in the left rail.
Select a product profile (or create one, if required) from the list and go to the Developers tab.
Click Add Developer in the upper-right corner.
Enter a name or email address. You can search for existing users or add a user by specifying a valid email address, and filling the information on the screen.
Note:You can add up to ten developers here. To add more, click Save and repeat the above steps.
Click Save.
The developers are added to the selected product profile.
You can use the Bulk add workflow to add multiple developers with the help of a comma separated (.csv) file.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Users.
Click Add Users by CSV.
In the Add users by CSV dialog box, click Download CSV Template, and choose either Current user list or Standard template.
The template file that you download, contains sample data that you can use as a guide.
The CSV file format is described in detail under CSV file format in the Add users section of the Manage users document.
Update the downloaded CSV file with the data of developers to add and list the names of the product profiles they should use for development in the Developer Access column.
Drag the updated CSV on to the Add Users by CSV dialog box and click Upload.
After the bulk operation is complete, you will receive an email. You can also view a detailed report of the operation via Bulk Operation Results.
After you perform a bulk operation, like adding or editing multiple users, you receive an email with the details of the operation. In addition, you can view these details on the Bulk Operation Results page.
If a bulk operation is not displaying in the results page, refresh your browser page so it shows the latest results.
Navigate to Users > Developers in the Admin Console, and click
in the upper-right corner of the Users page.
In the drop-down list, choose Bulk Operation Results.
The Bulk Operation Results page displays.
To view the details of an operation, click the name of the operation.
To download the results as a CSV file, click Download Results.
To remove a result, click the check box to the left of the operation name and click Remove Result.
You can also clear all the bulk operation results clicking Clear All Results.
For existing users or developers, you can add or remove product profiles of products that include API access thereby granting or revoking access to the product profile for that developer.
In the Admin Console, navigate to the Users > Developers.
From the list of users, click the name of a user.
To edit the product profiles that developers have access to, click
in the upper-right corner of the Developer Access section, and select Edit Developer Products Assigned Directly.
Add or remove developer API access for the user.
Click Save.
The developer is added to profiles that were added and removed from product profiles that were removed during the edit.
You can remove a developer from a product profile but still retain the developer as a user in your organization.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Products.
Click the desired product in the left rail.
Select a product profile from the list and go to the Developers tab.
To remove one or more developers from this product profile, click the check box to the left of the developer name.
Click Remove Developers.
In the Remove Developer from product profile screen choose one of the following options:
Remove both developer access and user access: The developer no longer has permissions to build API credentials for this product profile. Also, the developer will not have access to the products defined in this profile.
Remove developer access, but keep user access: The developer no longer has permissions to build API credentials for this product profile. However, if the developer had access to the product as a user, that access will remain.
Click Remove Developers.
The selected developers are removed based on the choice in the previous step.
From the Users tab on the Admin Console, you can remove developers:
- Also, remove the user access to the associated product profiles.
- Retain the user access to the associated product profiles.
- Remove the user from the organization.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Users > Developers.
Click Remove Developers.
In the Remove Developer from product profile screen choose one of the following options:
Remove both developer access and user access: The developer no longer has permissions to build API credentials for any product profile. Also, the developer will not have access to any products if they had been given user access as well. Use this option if the developer is no longer working on this project and no longer needs access to any profile, but the developer may later return for further work in this organization.
Remove developer access, but keep user access: The developer no longer has permissions to build API credentials. However, the developer will continue to have access to the products. Use this option if the developer will continue as a user but no longer need developer access on the console.
Remove from organization: Remove the developer from the organization on the Admin Console. Use this option if the developer is no longer working on anything in your organization, either as a user or a developer.
Click Remove Developers.
The selected developers are removed based on the choice in the previous step.
When you add developers to product profiles, these developers then have the required permissions to create API credentials on Adobe I/O.
For such an API credential to be used, it needs to be associated with one or more product profiles. This is required so that when API calls are made using an API credential, they execute with the permissions based on the associated product profile or profiles.
Administrators can manage the access granted to an application which uses an API credential by setting or changing the product profiles associated with said API credential.
For example, there might be two product profiles, Test and Production, which grant access and permissions consistent with testing an application and with running the application in a production environment, respectively. The developer could be granted access only to the Test product profile and the API credential is set up by the developer to use that product profile. Once the application is tested and ready for production use, a System or Product Profile admin on the Admin Console would remove the API credential from the Test profile and add it to the Production product profile. The developer no longer has the ability to manage the API credential from the console once this change is made.
Usually, developers, are not given admin privileges on the Admin Console.
From the Users tab on the Admin Console, you can edit API credentials to add or remove product profiles in API credentials.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Users > API Credentials.
Click the row for the API credential that you need to edit.
Note:Do not click the user's name.
In the API credential details drawer on the right, click
in the upper-right corner of the Products section, and select Edit.
In the Edit API Credential screen, choose a product and then select one or more product profiles from the drop-down list to add to the API credential.
Alternately, you can remove product profiles from this API credential.
Click Save.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Products.
Click the desired product in the left rail.
Select a product profile from the list and go to the API Credentials tab.
Click Add API Credentials.
In the Add API Credential to Product Profile screen, choose one or more API credentials to add to this product profile.
Click Save.
The selected API credentials are added to this product profile.
Removing an API credential from a product profile will terminate access of the external application to the product associated with this profile. This can cause external applications to fail.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Products.
Click the desired product in the left rail.
Select a product profile from the list and go to the API Credentials tab.
To remove one or more API credentials from this product profile, click the check box to the left of the API credential name.
Click Remove API Credentials in the upper-right corner of the API Credentials tab.
In the Remove API Credential screen, click Remove.
The selected API credentials are removed from this product profile.