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Automated expiration stages for ETLA contracts

  1. Adobe Enterprise & Teams: Administration guide
  2. Plan your deployment
    1. Basic concepts
      1. Licensing
      2. Identity
      3. User management
      4. App deployment
      5. Admin Console overview
      6. Admin roles
    2. Deployment Guides
      1. Named User deployment guide
      2. SDL deployment guide
      3. Deploy Adobe Acrobat 
    3. Deploy Creative Cloud for education
      1. Deployment home
      2. K-12 Onboarding Wizard
      3. Simple setup
      4. Syncing Users
      5. Roster Sync K-12 (US)
      6. Key licensing concepts
      7. Deployment options
      8. Quick tips
      9. Approve Adobe apps in Google Admin Console
      10. Enable Adobe Express in Google Classroom
      11. Integration with Canvas LMS
      12. Integration with Blackboard Learn
      13. Configuring SSO for District Portals and LMSs
      14. Add users through Roster Sync
      15. Kivuto FAQ
      16. Primary and Secondary institution eligibility guidelines
  3. Set up your organization
    1. Identity types | Overview
    2. Set up identity | Overview
    3. Set up organization with Enterprise ID
    4. Setup Azure AD federation and sync
      1. Set up SSO with Microsoft via Azure OIDC
      2. Add Azure Sync to your directory
      3. Role sync for Education
      4. Azure Connector FAQ
    5. Set up Google Federation and sync
      1. Set up SSO with Google Federation
      2. Add Google Sync to your directory
      3. Google federation FAQ
    6. Set up organization with Microsoft ADFS
    7. Set up organization for District Portals and LMS
    8. Set up organization with other Identity providers
      1. Create a directory
      2. Verify ownership of a domain
      3. Add domains to directories
    9. SSO common questions and troubleshooting
      1. SSO Common questions
      2. SSO Troubleshooting
      3. Education common questions
  4. Manage your organization setup
    1. Manage existing domains and directories
    2. Enable automatic account creation
    3. Set up organization via directory trust
    4. Migrate to a new authentication provider 
    5. Asset settings
    6. Authentication settings
    7. Privacy and security contacts
    8. Console settings
    9. Manage encryption  
  5. Manage users
    1. Overview
    2. Administrative roles
    3. User management strategies
      1. Manage users individually   
      2. Manage multiple users (Bulk CSV)
      3. User Sync tool (UST)
      4. Microsoft Azure Sync
      5. Google Federation Sync
    4. Assign licenses to a Teams user
    5. In-app user management for teams
      1. Manage your team in Adobe Express
      2. Manage your team in Adobe Acrobat
    6. Add users with matching email domains
    7. Change user's identity type
    8. Manage user groups
    9. Manage directory users
    10. Manage developers
    11. Migrate existing users to the Adobe Admin Console
    12. Migrate user management to the Adobe Admin Console
  6. Manage products and entitlements
    1. Manage products and product profiles
      1. Manage products
      2. Buy products and licenses
      3. Manage product profiles for enterprise users
      4. Manage automatic assignment rules
      5. Entitle users to train Firefly custom models
      6. Review product requests
      7. Manage self-service policies
      8. Manage app integrations
      9. Manage product permissions in the Admin Console  
      10. Enable/disable services for a product profile
      11. Single App | Creative Cloud for enterprise
      12. Optional services
    2. Manage Shared Device licenses
      1. What's new
      2. Deployment guide
      3. Create packages
      4. Recover licenses
      5. Manage profiles
      6. Licensing toolkit
      7. Shared Device Licensing FAQ
  7. Get started with Global Admin Console
    1. Adopt global administration
    2. Select your organization
    3. Manage organization hierarchy
    4. Manage product profiles
    5. Manage administrators
    6. Manage user groups
    7. Update organization policies
    8. Manage policy templates
    9. Allocate products to child organizations
    10. Execute pending jobs
    11. Explore insights
    12. Export or import organization structure
  8. Manage storage and assets
    1. Storage
      1. Manage enterprise storage
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud: Update to storage
      3. Manage Adobe storage
    2. Manage projects
    3. Asset migration
      1. Automated Asset Migration
      2. Automated Asset Migration FAQ  
      3. Manage transferred assets
    4. Reclaim assets from a user
    5. Student asset migration | EDU only
      1. Automatic student asset migration
      2. Migrate your assets
  9. Manage services
    1. Adobe Stock
      1. Adobe Stock credit packs for teams
      2. Adobe Stock for enterprise
      3. Use Adobe Stock for enterprise
      4. Adobe Stock License Approval
    2. Custom fonts
    3. Adobe Asset Link
      1. Overview
      2. Create user group
      3. Configure Adobe Experience Manager Assets
      4. Configure and install Adobe Asset Link
      5. Manage assets
      6. Adobe Asset Link for XD
    4. Adobe Acrobat Sign
      1. Set up Adobe Acrobat Sign for enterprise or teams
      2. Adobe Acrobat Sign - Team feature Administrator
      3. Manage Adobe Acrobat Sign on the Admin Console
    5. Creative Cloud for enterprise - free membership
      1. Overview
  10. Deploy apps and updates
    1. Overview
      1. Deploy and deliver apps and updates
      2. Plan to deploy
      3. Prepare to deploy
    2. Create packages
      1. Package apps via the Admin Console
      2. Create Named User Licensing Packages
      3. Manage pre-generated packages
        1. Manage Adobe templates
        2. Manage Single-app packages
      4. Manage packages
      5. Manage device licenses
      6. Serial number licensing
    3. Customize packages
      1. Customize the Creative Cloud desktop app
      2. Include extensions in your package
    4. Deploy Packages 
      1. Deploy packages
      2. Deploy Adobe packages using Microsoft Intune
      3. Deploy Adobe packages with SCCM
      4. Deploy Adobe packages with ARD
      5. Install products in the Exceptions folder
      6. Uninstall Creative Cloud products
      7. Use Adobe provisioning toolkit enterprise edition
    5. Manage updates
      1. Change management for Adobe enterprise and teams customers
      2. Deploy updates
    6. Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
      1. AUSST Overview
      2. Set up the internal update server
      3. Maintain the internal update server
      4. Common use cases of AUSST   
      5. Troubleshoot the internal update server
    7. Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
      1. Release notes
      2. Use Adobe Remote Update Manager
    8. Troubleshoot
      1. Troubleshoot Creative Cloud apps installation and uninstallation errors
      2. Query client machines to check if a package is deployed
  11. Manage your Teams account
    1. Overview
    2. Update payment details
    3. Manage invoices
    4. Change contract owner
    5. Change your plan
    6. Change reseller
    7. Cancel your plan
    8. Purchase Request compliance
  12. Renewals
    1. Teams membership: Renewals
    2. Enterprise in VIP: Renewals and compliance
  13. Manage contracts
    1. Automated expiration stages for ETLA contracts
    2. Switching contract types within an existing Adobe Admin Console
    3. Value Incentive Plan (VIP) in China
    4. VIP Select help
  14. Reports & logs
    1. Audit Log
    2. Assignment reports
    3. Content Logs
  15. Get help
    1. Contact Adobe Customer Care
    2. Support options for teams accounts
    3. Support options for enterprise accounts
    4. Support options for Experience Cloud

Applies to enterprise.

System Admins of an organization with Adobe ETLA (Enterprise Term Licensing Agreement) contracts see various notifications in their Admin Console as their contract approaches expiration. This page details the different stages of contract expiration and how these changes impact users and admins at each stage.

Applies to

System administrator

Contract expiration phases

If your ETLA contract expires before booking a renewal contract, you retain limited access for a short grace period to avoid user-access disruption. Work with your Adobe Account manager to renew your expiring ETLA contract well in advance. Adobe provides an extra grace period window at its sole discretion as a courtesy and does not guarantee any extension beyond the ETLA contract end date.

See the table below for the details about the various contract expiry stages:

Phase details

Notification phase

Grace period    

Post-grace period

Inactive phase

Contract status

Acrobat Pro product shown as expiring in the Admin Console Overview section

Product not displayed in Overview1

Admin Console experience

  • Banner notification of expiring contract with contract end date
  • Associated products have Expiring status
  • Banner notification of expired contract with date users lose access to product licenses
  • Associated products have Expired status
  • Banner notification of expired contract
  • Associated products have Expired status
  • Can no longer assign users to expired products
  • Banner notification of inactive contract
  • Associated products removed from the organization
  • Contract moved to Inactive section1

Admin experience

  • All administrative access available
  • All administrative access available
  • Lose access to expired products
  • User list available in Accounts2
  • Cannot add/remove users in expired product profiles
  • Cannot delegate associated licenses to child organizations via Global Admin Console
  • Read-only view of inactive contract
  • Cannot renew or update inactive contract
  • Limited Admin Console access if only inactive contract exists

Admin actions

  • Update or renew expiring contract
  • Add VIP contract to organization and reassign users and admin roles to active product profiles
  • Allow ETLA contract to expire if no intent to renew
  • Update or renew expired contract
  • Add VIP contract to organization and reassign users and admin roles to active product profiles
  • Allow ETLA contract to lapse if no intent to renew
  • Update or renew expired contract before Post-Grace ends to restore user access
  • Add VIP contract to organization and reassign users and admin roles to active product profiles 
  • Allow ETLA contract to lapse if no intent to renew
  • No actions available

User experience

  • Users can access expiring license
  • Can sign in and access cloud-stored assets
  • Users can access expired license in grace period
  • Can sign in and access cloud-stored assets
  • Notified in-app daily for 7 days before loss of access
  • Users lose access to expired license 
  • Can sign in but can't access cloud-stored assets3
  • Notified in-app about loss of access
  • Can sign in but can't access cloud-stored assets3
  • Notified in-app about loss of access

1 Product cards aren't displayed in the Admin Console when the contract is Inactive. However, you can review the status and basic details from Accounts > Account Overview > Inactive contracts.

image displays the Inactive status of an expired ETLA contract in the Admin Console accounts section

2 Go to Admin Console > Account > Account overview > Current contracts > ( ) to download user list
of the expired ETLA contract.    

3 Users retain access to cloud-stored assets: if they are Adobe ID users, or if they are assigned to other active licenses from the organization.


Notifications and status of ETLA contracts will also be displayed in the Global Admin Console. See Global Administration | Allocate products for more details.

Renew your contract to avoid disruption

You must renew your contract or move your users to an active contract to avoid user disruption. Contact your Adobe account manager or Adobe representative to prepare a renewal order for your ETLA contract.

Common questions

Automated contract expiry only affects ETLA contract types. Other contract types such as Team Direct, Value Incentive Plan (VIP), and VIP Marketplace do not follow this automated expiration flow.

Users will retain access to their Adobe accounts but lose access to product licenses associated with the expired contract beginning with the Post-Grace period.

If a user signed into their account sometime prior to the expiration date, the user would still have 30 days of offline access to the product licenses associated with the expired contract.

However, during the Post-Grace period, the user loses access to the product when they sign in again to confirm the license status.

No. Users provisioned with Adobe Stock licenses and credits lose access to the licenses or credits on the contract end date (or beginning with the Grace Period). However, the users can access all other applications through the Grace Period.

All Enterprise ID and Federated ID users will retain access to their cloud-stored assets if they have an active license from their organization. Users lose access to assets when the Post-Grace period starts only if no other active licenses are assigned to their account.

However, users with personal Adobe ID accounts to retain access to cloud-stored assets regardless of license status with the organization.

Admins will retain access to the Admin Console and their organization’s Enterprise Storage (ESM) repository with cloud-stored assets regardless of contract status. Admins can perform asset reclamation whenever needed.

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