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sbsbakingconverter | Substance 3D Automation ToolKit

  1. Substance 3D home
  2. Home
  3. Command Line Tools
    1. Command Line overview
    2. sbsbaker
      1. sbsbaker overview
      2. sbsbaker command line options
      3. sbsbaker Example Command Lines
    3. sbscooker
      1. sbscooker overview
      2. sbscooker command line options
      3. sbscooker pattern variables
    4. sbsmtools
      1. sbsmtools overview
      2. sbsmtools command line options
    5. sbsmutator
      1. sbsmutator overview
      2. sbsmutator command line options
      3. sbsmutator Example Command Lines
    6. sbsrender
      1. sbsrender overview
      2. sbsrender base parameters and pattern variables
      3. sbsrender command line options
      4. sbsrender example command lines
    7. sbsupdater
      1. sbsupdater overview
      2. sbsupdater command line options
  4. Pysbs - Python API
    1. Pysbs - Python API overview
    2. Getting started
    3. General topics
      1. Basic manipulation
      2. Substance creation
      3. Substances modification
      4. Dependencies management
      5. PySbs batchtools module
      6. metadata manipulation
      7. SAT demos
      8. Edit sbsar with SBSARManager
      9. Spot Colors
      10. Thumbnail creation with SAT
    4. Examples
      1. demohelloworld
      2. demos
      3. demos_batchtools
      4. script_update_with_sbsupdater
    5. API Content
      1. API Content overview
      2. Substance definitions
        1. Common interfaces
          1. basegraph
          2. package
          3. sbsarobject
          4. sbsobject
        2. compnode
          1. compnode overview
          2. common
          3. compimplementation
          4. paramgraph
        3. context projectmgr
        4. graph
          1. graph overview
          2. function
          3. inputparameters
          4. output
        5. mdl
          1. mdlannotation
          2. mdlcommon
          3. mdldictionaries
          4. mdlenum
          5. mdlgraph
          6. mdllibclasses
          7. mdlmanager
          8. mdlnode
          9. mdlnodeimpl
          10. mdloperand
          11. mdlsbsbridge
        6. modelgraphindex
          1. modelannotationnames
          2. modelgraph
          3. modelgraphgenerator
          4. modelgraphimplementation
          5. modelnodenames
          6. modeloperand
          7. modulegraphindex
          8. moduleannotation
          9. moduleconnection
          10. modulegraph
          11. modulegraphgenerator
          12. modulegraphimplementation
          13. modulegraphlibrary
          14. modulegraphregister
          15. modulenode
          16. modulenodeimplementation
          17. modulenodeinstance
          18. moduleoperand
          19. moduleoutputbridging
          20. moduleparaminput
        7. params
          1. params overview
          2. dynamicvalue
          3. paramnode
        8. projectmgrdoc
        9. sbsarchive
          1. sbsarchive overview
          2. sbsarenum
          3. sbsargraph
          4. sbsargui
          5. sbsarguiwidgets
          6. sbsarmanager
        10. sbscommon
          1. connections
          2. gui
          3. nodes
          4. values
        11. sbspreset
        12. sbsproject
        13. substance
          1. substance overview
          2. content
          3. resource
      3. Libraries
        1. sbsenum
        2. sbslibrary
          1. sbslibrary overview
          2. sbsdictionaries
          3. sbsfilters
          4. sbsfunctions
          5. sbsfxmapnodes
          6. sbslibclasses
          7. sbswidgets
        3. sbsbakerslibrary
          1. sbsbakerslibrary overview
          2. sbsbakersdef
          3. sbsbakersdefaultprops
          4. sbsbakersdictionaries
          5. sbsbakersenum
          6. sbsbakingconverter
          7. sbsbakingconverterparam
          8. sbsbakingparameters
          9. sbsdialogstate
          10. sbsscenedata
        4. Helpers
          1. sbscleaner
          2. sbsexporter
          3. sbsgenerator
          4. sbsparser
          5. sbswriter
          6. qtclasses
            1. qtclasses overview
            2. qtvariantreader
            3. qtvariantwriter
          7. psdparser
          8. sbsimpactmanager
          9. batchtools
          10. autograph
            1. ag_functions
            2. ag_layout
            3. ag_types
          11. info_mesh_parser
          12. sbsbaker_info_handlers
          13. sbsrender_render_handlers
          14. output_handlers
          15. spotcolorinfo_handler
          16. thumbnail
          17. batchtools overview
        5. Execution context
          1. context
          2. functions
        6. API Change log
  5. Samples
    1. Samples overview
    2. Texturing Template Demo
    3. Batch Tools Demo
    4. Variations
    5. Texture Mat
    6. Pixel Processor Ray tracer
  6. Setup and Getting Started
    1. Setup and Getting Started overview
    2. Compatibility
    3. Frequently asked Questions
    4. Known issues
    5. SAT Cookbook
    6. Use Pysbs in different python interpreter (maya, sd, blender...)
  7. Integrations
    1. Substance Maya toolset
      1. Substance Maya Toolset overview
      2. Installing
      3. Launching
      4. Baking
        1. Baking overview
        2. Export parameters
        3. Baker parameters
        4. Mesh setup
        5. Using a template
      5. Changelog
  8. Changelog overview


Module sbsbakingconverter aims to provide the definition of a BakingConverter.

 class pysbs.sbsbakers.sbsbakingconverter.BakingConverter(aIdentifier='', aConverterID='', aBakerType='imagemeshconverter', aIsSelected=True, aForcedOutputFormat=None, aCommonProperties=None, aProperties=None, aOverrides=None, aGlobalParams=None)  

Bases: object

This class provide the definition of a Baking converter.

  • mConverterID (str): id of the converter (unique)
  • mBakerType (str): Kind of converter, between ‘imagemeshconverter’ (default) and ‘vectorialmeshconverter’
  • mIdentifier (str): identifier of the converter
  • mIsSelected (bool): True to activate this baker. Default to True
  • mForcedOutputFormat (str): Allow to force a particular output format for this converter. Default to None
 fromSBSTree(self, aIndexConverter, aSBSTree, removeUsedOptions = False)  

Parse the given sbs tree to set the BakingConverter

  • aIndexConverter (int) – Index of this converter in the Baking Parameters
  • aSBSTree (SBSTree) – The tree of options to parse to build the Baking Converter
  • removeUsedOptions (bool, optional) – True to allow removing the options used to build this baker from the given list. Default to False

True if success


Get all the parameters defined on this Baker

Returns:a list of BakingParam

Get the given parameter override state

Parameters:aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – Identifier of the parameter to get
Returns:The override state as a boolean if possible, None otherwise

Get the given parameter

Parameters:aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – Identifier of the parameter to get
Returns:The parameter as a QtVariant if found, None otherwise

Get the value of the parameter with the given identifier

Parameters:aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – Identifier of the parameter to get
Returns:The parameter value in the type of the parameter if found, None otherwise

Move down this converter in the list of the parent baking parameters


Move up this converter in the list of the parent baking parameters


Reset the given overriden default property, to match the global default property of the Baking Parameters

Parameters:aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – The property to reset
 setFileParameterValueFromPath(aParameter, aAbsPath)  

Set the file path value of the given parameter as the relative path of the given resource. Only parameters ‘MESH__CAGE_FILE’, ‘MESH__SKEW_MAP’, ‘NORMAL_MAP’, ‘TEXTURE_FILE’, ‘DIRECTION_FILE’ can be set by this function. An exception will be raised if the parameter is not appropriate.

  • aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – Identifier of the parameter to set
  • aAbsPath (str) – The absolute path to the file resource

True if success, False otherwise



 setFileParameterValueFromPreviousBaker(aParameter, aPreviousBaker)  

Set the file path value of the given parameter as the relative path of the given resource. Only parameters ‘NORMAL_MAP’, ‘TEXTURE_FILE’, ‘DIRECTION_FILE’ can be set by this function. An exception will be raised if the parameter is not appropriate or if the converter is invalid.

  • aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – Identifier of the parameter to set
  • aPreviousBaker (BakingConverter or str) – The converter to use (provide an BakingConverter object or an identifier)

True if success, False otherwise



 setFileParameterValueFromResource(aParameter, aResource)  

Set the file path value of the given parameter as the relative path of the given resource. Only parameters ‘MESH__CAGE_FILE’, ‘MESH__SKEW_MAP’, ‘NORMAL_MAP’, ‘TEXTURE_FILE’, ‘DIRECTION_FILE’ can be set by this function. An exception will be raised if the resource is invalid or if the parameter is not appropriate.


True if success, False otherwise




Set the reference to the parent Global Parameters

Parameters:aGlobalParams (BakingParameters) – The global parameters that include this converter
 setParameterValue(aParameter, aParamValue)  

Set the value of the given parameter on this converter. Raise an exception if the parameter is not allowed on this converter.

  • aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – Identifier of the parameter to set
  • aParamValue (any type) – Value to set





Select or deselect for the baking

Parameters:aSelected (bool) – True to select the converter, False to deselect it

Convert the object structure of the BakingConverter into a list of sbs options, as it is saved in the .sbs file

Parameters:aIndexConverter (int) – Index of this converter in the Baking Parameters
Returns:A list of SBSOptions object with the content of the BakingConverter

Update all the default properties that are not overriden, to match the global default properties of the Baking Parameters


Update the given default property if it is not overriden, to match the global default property of the Baking Parameters

Parameters:aParameter (ConverterParamEnum or str) – The property to update

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