Användarhandbok Avbryt

Configure URL access for Adobe Captivate features

  1. Captivate User Guide
  2. Introduction to Captivate
    1. What's New in Adobe Captivate
    2. Adobe Captivate System Requirements
    3. Adobe Captivate Updates
      1. Adobe Captivate (12.5 update) release notes
      2. Adobe Captivate (12.4 update) release notes
      3. Adobe Captivate (12.3 update) release notes
      4. Adobe Captivate (12.2 update) release notes
      5. Adobe Captivate (12.1 update) release notes
    4. Download Adobe Captivate
    5. Frequently Asked Questions
    6. Configure URL access for Adobe Captivate features
  3. Add a slide
    1. Slide navigator in Adobe Captivate
    2. Add a conversation slide
    3. Add characters to your Adobe Captivate project
    4. Edit the background image on a slide
    5. Add padding to content blocks and components
    6. Create a long scroll project
  4. Design options in Adobe Captivate
    1. What are design options?
    2. Parts of a design option
    3. Create custom design options
    4. Modify a custom design option
    5. Export a custom design option
    6. Import a custom design option
  5. Add text blocks
    1. Add text to a project
    2. Add Adobe fonts to a project
  6. Add media blocks
    1. Add images to a project
    2. Add videos to a project
    3. Add quotes
    4. Add SVGs to a project
    5. Add web objects to a project
  7. Interactive components
    1. Add a button
    2. Add an input field
    3. Add a radio button group
    4. Add a dropdown
    5. Add a checkbox
  8. Add branding blocks
    1. Add a header to a project
    2. Add a footer to a project
  9. Widgets
    1. Add a Card
    2. Add Tabs
    3. Add a Certificate
    4. Add a Carousel
    5. Add a Hotspot
    6. Add Drag-and-Drop
    7. Add a Timeline
    8. Add Click to Reveal
    9. Add an Accordion
  10. Create quizzes
    1. Add a Multiple-choice question
    2. Add a True or false question
    3. Add a Match the column question
    4. Add a Short answer question
    5. Add a Sequence question
    6. Add question pools and random question slides
    7. Import questions as CSV
  11. Add audio to a project
    1. Add audio
    2. Add closed captions
  12. Interactions
    1. Add interactions to a project
    2. Create interactive video with overlay
    3. Create a slide-level interaction
    4. Create an object-level interaction
  13. Animations
    1. Add animations to a project
  14. Accessibility
    1. Make a project accessible
  15. Customize the timeline
    1. Timeline panel in Adobe Captivate
  16. Customize TOC and Playbar
    1. Table of Contents in Adobe Captivate
  17. Edit project properties
    1. Variables in Adobe Captivate
    2. Preferences
    3. Project dimensions
    4. Themes
  18. Create a simulation project
    1. Simulation
  19. Preview a project
    1. Preview
  20. Share a project for review
    1. Share for review
    2. FAQs and Troubleshooting guide for sharing projects for review   
  21. Publish a project
    1. Publish your project
  22. Upgrade projects in Adobe Captivate
    1. Upgrade projects to the latest version 


Adobe Captivate requires internet access to specific URLs for certain features to function correctly. If your network has restrictions, you may need to adjust your settings to allow access. This is especially important for cloud-based services, such as AI-powered text-to-speech and project sharing for review and collaboration.

To use these features, your IT or security team must add the following URLs to the allowed list.

Use the latest version of Adobe Captivate.

List of URLs

To avoid disruptions, ensure your firewall or proxy settings permit access to the URLs listed below.

To use AI-generated voices for text-to-speech (TTS) in Adobe Captivate, ensure that the following endpoints are accessible:

  • Feature Activation & Voice Listing -
  • Text-to-Speech Processing -

Learn more on how to generate text-to-speech using AI voices.

To ensure full functionality, especially for features like project sharing and review, it's important to allow access to the following additional URLs:


To ensure Adobe Captivate's asset-related features function properly, your IT or security team should allow access to the following URLs:

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Allowing these URLs will enable access to Adobe Captivate's asset-related features, including Adobe Stock and eLearning Brothers assets.

Additionally, ensure that the following domains are accessible:

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Region-dependent:The user's request will be fulfilled using the closest available service instances, tailored to their geographical location, whether in Japan, the US East Coast, Europe, or elsewhere.


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