LiveCycle ES4 SP1 Quick Fixes

The following quick fixes (QFs) are available for Adobe® LiveCycle ES4 Service Pack 1 (11.0.1). All QFs are cumulative; that is, a QF includes fixes of all the preceding QFs for a component.

Contact Support for more information or to obtain a QF.


Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
  • LiveCycle Assembler fails to merge PDFs using Document Description XML file.



Core 1192-058
  • When converting a pdf to PDF/A-1b format, Doc Converter fails with an error "PDF/A conversion unable to process document" (Ref# NPR-15827)
  • The 'Create PDF/A' functionality of Doc Converter does not work properly and results in a PDF/A with scrambled text. (Ref# NPR-15771)




Core 1163-045
  • When the Forms Assembler service is invoked, if there are <LinkAlias> tags in the DDX, the process crashes with a specific pdf.
  • Converting to PDF/A format produces invalid PDF/A with a violation, which is not listed in the conversion.log file produced.  



Core 1163-045
  • The DocConverter service fails when converting a PDF to PDF/A-1b format.
  • When converting a PDF to PDF/A-1b format, the conversion fails with an exception.



Core 1163-045
  • The Livecycle Assembler DDX fails to extract the first page from the PDF and returns an error. (Ref# CQ-67111)
CQ-67111 COR-1141-043
  • On assembling multiple PDF documents with Adobe LiveCycle Assembler, the resultant PDF document contains duplicate copies of identical fonts. It results in a larger file size. In an ideal scenario, the resultant PDF document contains only one instance of the identical fonts present in input PDF files. (Ref# CQ-51140)
  • On using Adobe LiveCycle Assembler to optimize fonts of a PDF document, the contents appear garbled.  (Ref# CQ-50963)
  • An assembled XFA form displays data only when a field in the assembled form is selected. (CQ-55118)




1119-015 PDF files containing scanned images do not convert to PDF/A-2B using the DocConverter service.
CQ-52652 11.0.1-COR-1117-034
1101-014 The XHTML data present in data XML is interpreted incorrectly when merging with XDP using Assembler and the resultant PDF throws error on opening.
LC-3910489 11.0.1-COR-1103-030
1092-013 When assembling PDF files using Assembler with save="FastWebView" option, the resultant PDF contains duplicate embedded fonts.
LC-3910678 11.0.1-COR-1090-026
  • In a PDF with image content, the shrinkContentToFit attribute in the Header/Footer tag results in unexpected transformation.
  • The LCA process fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException error when exporting links using Assembler service.




Added a new option in LiveCycle administration console to specify the XML encoding for Assembler service. The allowed values are UTF-8 and UTF-16. The default value is UTF-8.

LC-3909756 11.0.1-COR-1075-020
1072-009 Images that are referenced using DDX are not resolved in assembled PDFs.
LC-3909756 11.0.1-COR-1073-018
1070-008 LiveCycle Assembler takes unusually long time to process a PDF document. For a few documents, it fails to produce PDF output. LC-3861763 11.0.1-COR-1060-016
  • Some PDF files that Acrobat considers PDF/A-1b compliant, are not considered PDF/A-1b compliant by LiveCycle.
  • After the Assembly service completes merging PDFs, the temporary files in the Temp directory are not automatically deleted.
  • When the Assembler attempts to assemble two PDF files created with Acrobat, and the larger file is not the base document an out of memory error is displayed even though the Java heap size is sufficiently large.
  • When adding attachments to a PDF document using Assembler sometimes attachments are not compressed at all.





  • LiveCycle Assembler fails to replace an existing watermark with a new watermark.
  • The Document Title property shows incorrect and incosistent values if the PDF metadata contains surrogate pair characters.



1031-003 Application server hangs when trying to assemble a PDF generated by a ghostscript with another PDF, where the ghostscript document is the base document for assembly.
3696988 11.0.1-COR-1029-009

When assembling CSV and PDF files through InvokeDDX operation, Workbench throws the following error:

ALC-PDG-080-002-Missing extension in file name

3681850 11.0.1-COR-1004-001
1005-001 Adds Adobe Acrobat X as an option for PDF encryption.


Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
  • While deploying the EAR files in LiveCycle Configuration Manager with SQL Server DB, following error occurs: The cursor type/concurrency combination is not supported.
NPR-19685 Adobe LiveCycle ES4 SP1 (11.0.1)
  • User Sync loops out with "Connection Reset Error" and starts synching again.
  • SSO using Kerberos breaks with Oracle Java 7 update.
  • Timeout exception error occurs when LiveCycle Database is used for Document Storage.
  • Updated third-party libraries to mitigate vulnerability issues (CVE-2016-1181 and CVE-2016-1182) in Apache Struts 1 ActionForm.





Adobe LiveCycle ES4 SP1 (11.0.1)
1178-050 During upgrade process, Configuration Manager fails with timeout.  NPR-16326 Adobe LiveCycle ES4 SP1 (11.0.1)
  • (Microsoft SQL Server only) Running the ProcessPurge command fails with the following exception: “Caused By: javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request. The maximum is 2100.” 
  • Saving of assets using WorkBench fails for those assets having multiple versions, with an error message: "The version of the server does not support this operation". 







Adobe LiveCycle ES4 SP1 (11.0.1)
1163-045 The LiveCycle process hangs after the Gateway activity in the workflow. NPR-13869 After installing the patch, install Signature QF 1137-011, Process
Management QF 1142-013, or Rights Management QF 1126-016  to resolve the

Weblogic 12.1.3 support for following components on LC ES4 on RedHat Linux.

  • Forms
  • Reader Extensions
  • Assembler service
  • Mobile Forms
  • Output service
NPR-12103 After installing the patch, install Signature QF 1137-011, Process Management QF 1142-013, or Rights Management QF 1126-016  to resolve the issue.
1141-043 Deserializing byte code into objects could be manipulated into executing custom code, which lead to a possibility of Remote Code Execution (RCE) without authentication.
NPR-9962 After installing the patch, install Signature QF 1137-011, Process Management QF 1142-013, or Rights Management QF 1126-016  to resolve the issue.

Forms do not render and return an error if the Generate Server Appearance option is enabled in Forms IVS. 


CQ-56794 After installing the patch, install Signature QF 1124-010 and Assember QF 1125-016 to resolve the issues.
1127-036 On applying digital signatures to a PDF document, the capital letters of Croatian language do not appear properly in the output PDF document.   CQ-49443 NA
1117-034 PDF files containing scanned images do not convert to PDF/A-2B using the DocConverter service.

Note: After installing the patch, you must install Assembler QF# 11.0.1-ASM-1119-015 to resolve the issue.

  • Health monitor does not display any information about the LiveCycle server.
  • On upgrading from LiveCycle ES2 to LiveCycle ES4 SP1, the processes created before the upgrade remain in running state and do not move to the next step even when the task is complete.



  • AdobeService JMX attributes are not getting updated.  
  • Users are unable to view documents due to the performance issues of a few tables. 
  • Rights Management performance degrades when using queries with FIRST_ROWS hints of Oracle database. 
  • The XHTML data present in data XML is interpreted incorrectly when merging with XDP using Assembler and the resultant PDF throws error on opening. 
  • Cannot sign a pdf using signature service. 







  • On adding or updating an asset the application manager API throws the null pointer exception. (Ref #LC-3911975)
  • In a security hardened environment, which has very limited connectivity to internet, on starting an application after deploying the EARs, the following exception occurs:

CacheRuntimeException: Error loading cache configuration (Ref #LC-3913262)

  • Users are unable to sync more than 1500 Active Directory user in a group. (Ref #LC-3913722)

LC-3911975 NA
1096-027 A user with more than 200 group memberships cannot initiate a process in LiveCycle Workspace.
LC-3913587 NA
1090-026 In a PDF with image content, the shrinkContentToFit attribute in the Header/Footer tag results in unexpected transformation.
LC-3913229 NA
  • HTML Workspace fails to submit tasks.
  • Service configurations, including Workspace endpoints, are not
    updated when importing the patch LCA. To resolve this issue, a checkbox
    is introduced on the Preview LCA screen, which when enabled, overrides
    the service configurations.
  • The Application Management page in the administration console takes
    longer to display the list of applications.
  • A search field is introduced on the Application Management page in the administration console.
  • While importing an application in admin UI, the Import button now remains disbaled until the in-progress operation is complete.







Database performance degrades due to Oracle hints in some SQL statements.


1075-020 Rights Management performance degrades when using queries with FIRST_ROWS hints of Oracle database.
LC-3862399 After installing this patch, install 11-0-1-RMG-1076-010 to resolve the issue.
1074-019 The deployment of a LiveCycle application through admin UI may fail if the OS user running the application server does not have write permission on the application server folder.
LC-3862629 NA
1073-018 Images that are referenced using DDX are not resolved in assembled PDFs. LC-3909789 After installing this patch, install 11.0.1-ASM-1072-009 to resolve the issue.

Restarting a node on an ES4 SP1 cluster with more than three nodes causes LiveCycle to loose the view of the partition. 

When a user logs in to LiveCycle Workspace and starts a process, subsequent pages do not appear. The timeout session sent by SAML IDP is not correct.



1060-016 Cannot delete categories using LiveCycle administration console. 3830275 NA
1048-013 Requests repeatedly fail with a Connection to failed service error after every few successful conversions. 3830275 NA
1042-012 When a short-lived process completes processing, the corresponding documents created in the GDS are not deleted and the size of GDS increases exponentially.
1036-011 The postscript to PDF service (PsToPdfService.exe) stops processing conversion requests and a CORBA timeout exception appears in the logs. 3784167 NA
1029-009 LiveCycle Assembler fails to validate signed PDF/A-1b documents. 3762698 NA
1024-008 Gemfire returns a licensing error when running a LiveCycle cluster with four or more nodes.   3688351 NA
1020-007 The jobs of an undeployed application are queued up and remain unprocessed without failing. (Ref #3718959) 3718959 NA
1015-005 Upon an unsuccessful login attempt to log into the Administration Console, the browser displays parameters related to the user name and passwords. 3695508 NA
1009-003 On signing or certifying a PDF document that contains Croatian characters, the Croatian characters do not appear as intended.
3684499 NA

When a user successfully logs into Correspondence Management solution, the URL is incorrectly formed with a question mark instead of an ampersand (&) at the start of the parameter list:


3683356 NA
1008-002 When an upgrade from LiveCycle ES3 to LiveCycle ES4 is performed, new attributes are not added to the process management tables. 3652319 NA
1007-002 When an upgrade from LiveCycle ES3 to LiveCycle ES4 is performed, new attributes are not added to the process management tables. 3676823 NA
1004-001 Adds Adobe Acrobat X as an option for PDF encryption for Assembler and PDF Generator.
1004-001 Users are unable to edit the Purge completed records after (Health Monitor > Job Purge Scheduler > "Purge completed records after") field by clicking the field. The field can only be accessed by using the Tab key.
3652265 NA

Core Extensions

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1022-001 A connection reset request is not propogated back to the invoking service. The workflow stalls in the 'Invoke Web Service' operation indefinitely and does not fail gracefully.

Data Capture

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1080-002 The Submit button in the form guide does not work.



1058-001 LiveCycle forms and Guides does not support Adobe Flash Player 3770806


Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1101.009 The header hierarchy is not preserved second page onwards NPR-11607 NA
1101.008 Designer crashes when changing the fragment location in Object Tab.
LC-3845385 NA
  • The French (Canada) dictionary goes missing after installing LiveCycle ES4 Service Pack 1.
  • If the form locale is set to English (Canada), the language in Advanced Document Properties of Acrobat appears as en-CA instead of English.
  • Acrobat accessibility checker fails 508 character encoding test if XDP contains a bulleted list of type disc (list-style-type:disc).




  • LiveCycle Forms / Output does not generate a complete 508 accessible form. Acrobat Accessibility Checker enlists issues with Tab Order, document title and form language.The Quick fix is applicable only for static PDFs.



The Quick fix is only for static PDF documents generated using LiveCycle Designer. To fix similar issue for LiveCycle Output, install Quick Fix 1013-001.

  • On importing an FML schema, created with LiveCycle Workbench ES4, to the LiveCycle Designer ES4, the import operation fails with the following error message:

    Fiber model load failed 
3707684 NA
  • PDF documents created using LiveCycle Designer does not contain values for the language property. To open languge property in Adobe Acrobat, navigate to File > Document Properties > Advanced > Reading Options > Language
  • In LiveCycle Designer, value of the Require the signing party to use the specified time stamp server property is not retained. On enabling the property and closing the dialog, the property is disabled automatically. 
  • For a repeating element in a form, an entry reappears for multiple times. The reappearing entry overwrites other entries. 





Digital Signatures

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1150-012 Exceptions and errors encountered when using Wildcard characters on TSP Server certificate while signing.
NPR-11599 11.0.1-COR-1141-043
1137-011 Deserializing byte code into objects could be manipulated into executing custom code, which lead to a possibility of Remote Code Execution (RCE) without authentication. NPR-10186 11.0.1-COR-1141-043

When a valid PDF/A-2b is certified with LiveCycle, an invalid PDF/A-2b PDF is produced. The resulting PDF fails the preflight test in Adobe Acrobat.

Note: The Quick Fix is applicable only to PDF documents with version 1.7.



1052-006 On Linux, LiveCycle ES4 SP1 Digital Signature does not support HSM with Java 7.
3782155 11.0.1-COR-1029-009
1016-004 When a signature field is added to a PDF/A-1b document and the document is signed, the document fails to validate in Acrobat preflight. 2920139
  • On signing a PDF Document with the Certification to include Form Load Changes option disabled, the ALC-DSC-099-000: com.adobe.
    idp.dsc.DSCRuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException 
    exception occurs. 
  • On signing or certifying a PDF document that contains Croatian characters, the Croatian characters do not appear as intended.





Patch ID
Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1148-003 Getting empty string while fetching attachment filename for accented characters.  NPR-10730 Latest verified core and XMLFM
1064-001 PDF documents fail to render a few special characters (ISO-8859-1) 3831697 NA

Mobile/HTML5 Forms

Patch ID
Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
  • When HTML5 form use prefill service and repeatable panels, the repeatable panels removed from the forms are present in the submission XML.
NPR-21414 11.0.1-XMF-1182-015
  • When user entered field is edited, the changes are propagated to other read-only text field in PDF preview but not in HTML preview. 
NPR-19602 11.0.1-XMF-1182-015
  • While rendering the XDP forms as HTML, the HTML codes clash with different browsers and create unwanted results and styling issues on the forms.
NPR-18009 11.0.1-XMF-1182-015
  • On previewing an XDP form as HTML, the submitURL provided in the Forms Render properties is visible in the HTML source code.
NPR-15675 11.0.1-XMF-1173-014
  • Global binding for radio buttons does not work. In case an exclusion group is repeated in a form with the same name and binding set to global, selecting a value in the exclusion group's first instance is not reflected in the second instance.
  • When trying to preview XDP forms (Static forms) in LiveCycle Designer (ES4) or via PDF output service, table headers do not repeat across the pages. 




Adobe Mobile Forms QF 3.7.98   

Adobe LiveCycle Core QF# 1141-043

  • While printing forms, the form border does not appear for the Error Message Display Box at the bottom of the form.
NPR-15444 11.0.1-XMF-1049-013
  • While entering text in a text field in HTML forms, the text box does not expand to accommodate additional text.
  • While rendering HTML forms in Internet Explorer 11, the font for text fields changes.
  • The xfa.event.newText method does not work correctly on the event change of a field. User is unable to clear fields by selecting text and using the Backspace key.  NPR- 15180



NPR- 15180

  • Border color of the email field changes incorrectly.
NPR-14362 11.0.1-XMF-1049-013
  • Issues with layout and design of HTML5 forms after installing QF 3.7.90.
 NPR-13720 11.0.1-XMF-1049-013
  • "Date Field" Object in HTML rendered XDP form does not have Feb 29th 2016
  • Tabbing in HTML 5 form within IE 9 and IE 11 is not working correctly



  • Issues with field line spacing in Mobile Forms.
  • JavaScript to make a field optional or mandatory does not work as expected if a form is rendered as HTML5.



  • Backend data is not populated when a subform is added at the top.
  • The Presence & Access property gets overridden during the web service call.
  • The server render time increases after hosting images over http.
  • The prevText function is not working after installing adobe-lc-forms-pkg-3.7.40.
  • Tabbing order in Table does not work.
  • The background color of a text field does not change back to its original color (White), after being greyed out.
  • The ui.textEdit.border.fill.color.value and ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value properties have no effect.
  • Screen reading software fails to read validation message.









  • Date Picker edit pattern is now supported in mobile forms.
  • Form does not render while using https in dataref.



3.7.56 Unicode characters are seen in some forms when a user opens the form after editing it.
LC-9056 11.0.1-XMF-1045-004

The eraser and the check mark to clear and accept the signature are enabled even before the user uses the signature block. (Ref #LC-3645722)

When signing a Mobile Form on Microsoft Surface Pro using Internet Explore 10, fingers are not supported. The signature capture dialog does not respond to fingers but to a stylus. (Ref # LC-3645719)

LC-3645722, LC-3645719 NA

When a Mobile Form is rendered, the highlight button on top of the form does not work in Internet Explorer 9/10. (Ref #LC-3532)

When the zoom level is changed, then the ‘Highlight Existing Toolbar’ is displaced. (Ref # LC-3529)

LC-3532, LC-3529 NA
3.3.18 An Incorrect year is displayed on updating the year using the calendar widget’s year-range option. (Ref #LC-3580)
LC-3580 NA


Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
  • Incorrect printer name entered does not throw exception when SendToPrinter is component is used and SharedPrinter protocol is selected. 


1149-013 XMLFormService could not schedule an interrupt for transaction.  NPR-10492
  • PDF to PS conversion fails.
  • Grouped annotation in coverted PDFs is not displayed. 
  • NPR-11153
  • NPR-11601
1131-012 Printing performance degrades when passing an XDP file through the Output service to generate PDF.  Ref #CQ-63178
1129-003 When flattening an XFAF (XFA foreground) static PDF document with landscape orientation, the width of the flattened PDF is reduced to 8.5 inches. CQ-51068
1120-002 When flattening an XFAF (XFA foreground) static PDF document with landscape orientation, the width of the flattened PDF is reduced to 8.5 inches.
1083-011 An exception is thrown when attempting to make a SOAP request from a Guide. LC-3860055 NA
1079-010 The option to collate in LiveCycle Output doesn't work when printing multiple copies.
LC-3860782 NA
1051-008 The content on the master page is repeated multiple times in the response when submitting a form. LC-9156 NA
1047-007 Text fields with rich text do not retain the text color. 3784226 NA
1045-004 The accessibility 508 character encoding test fails for a non-interactive PDF generated using LiveCycle Output from a Designer document containing a bulleted list of type disc. 3722214 NA
1021-002 The border around a field, which does not have a caption, is not visible.
3733189 NA
1013-001 LiveCycle Output does not generate a complete 508 accessible form. Acrobat Accessibility Checker enlists issues with Tab Order, document title and form language.  3655923, 3710570 NA

PDF Generator

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1195-025 PDF Generator does not generate PDF/A-2a and PDF/A-3a compliant PDF documents. (Ref#NPR-15941) NPR-15941 Core Quick Fix 1192-058
  • Inverse PDF is created when using Japanese OCR. (Ref# NPR-17299) 
  • When converting to PDF using OCR with primary language as Japanese, the PDF does not recognize the text correctly. (Ref# CQ-4211490)
  • OCR of files with large page size fails when creating PDF using OCR. (Ref# NPR-15889)
  • PDF conversion timeouts with an exception When converting to PDF using OCR with primary language as Japanese. (Ref# CQ-105668)
NPR-17299 Core Quick Fix 1178-050
1183-020 Heavy images of size approximately 100 MB fail to be converted to PDF using PDF generator service.   NPR-16956 Core Quick Fix 1041-043
1162-019 When converting a PDF to PDF/A format, the resultant document contains blank pages. NPR-13049 Core Quick Fix 1041-043
1146-018 Invoking the REST endpoint of a process, which has an HTML to PDF operation in it, through a script makes LiveCycle unresponsive until all the HTML2PDFConvertr.exe processes are killed and LiveCycle is resumed. (Ref #CQ-49396) CQ-49396 Core Quick Fix 1141-043
1130-016 On processing a PDF document with an OCR (Optical Character Reader), the output PDF document contains garbled text. (Ref# NPR-9227) NPR-9227 Core Quick Fix 1128-037
  • On converting an Open Office file (ODT file) to PDF/A using PDF Generator, the file is converted to PDF/A but fails compliance validation in Acrobat and LiveCycle.
  • On performing the OCR operation on a file, the OCRed file contains garble text.



1116-014 Temporary files created in the user temp directory while converting to PDF using PDF Generator are not deleted automatically. CQ-49397 11.0.1-COR-1087-024
1102-013 When converting TIFF to PDF using standard settings without using Acrobat, the resulting PDF has inverted text and background colors.

LC-3735488 11.0.1-COR-1060-016
  • Fixes the issue with AppMon not detecting some (child) windows.
  • Allows you to extend the PDF Generator functionality by using custom scripts to support generic applications.
  • Introduces an environment variable PDFG_OUTPUT_STORAGE_DIR that stores the output files along with the input file and attachments (if any) to the specified deirectory.
LC-9040 11.0.1-COR-1060-016
1049-009 Every fourth PostScript to PDF conversion fails with a Connection to failed service error.  3830281 11.0.1-COR-1060-016
1046-008 PDF Generator setting on a cluster set-up disappear while converting to PDF, resulting in failed conversions. 3814027 11.0.1-COR-1036-011
  • Introduces the createPDF3 API in Generate PDF Service to add support for converting a file with references to other files using relative paths. For details, see the QF readme.
  • The Create PDF request fails for an image or a PDF file that contains Japanese characters in its filename when OCR is enabled in the File Type setting.




LiveCycle PDF Generator has a requirement; the user added to PDFG user account list (used in multi-threaded conversion) for windows should be a member of the Administrators group on the machine. This Quick Fix removes the requirement. Now, you can add non-administrator users to PDFG account list.



1006-002 Adds Adobe Acrobat X as an option for PDF encryption.
3662051 11.0.1-COR-1004-001
1000-001 Character spacing and line width differ across PDF documents created by Adobe Acrobat and by Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator, on Microsoft Windows. 3353205 NA

HTML Workspace

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1.1.34 An error occurs when opening a flattened PDF document in HTML workspace.
CQ-49429 Create a backup of your HTML workspace customizations, if any.

1.0.4 Access denied error is returned when logging into HTML workspace. LC-3913266 Create a backup of your HTML workspace customizations, if any.

1.1.30 Cannot log into the ToDo tab of HTML Workspace using the direct URL - http://[host]:[port]/lc/libs/ws/index.html#/todo.



  • AEM LiveCycle Connector package
  • Create a backup of your HTML workspace customizations, if any.
1.1.24 After opening a form a few times in the HTML Workspace, the Save button doesn't appear. 3745547 Create a backup of your HTML Workspace customizations, if any.

Form for a task does not load but a busy wait screen is displayed when accessing a task in a remotely deployed HTML Workspace. The error seen in console is:

Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: main.

LC-7594 Create a backup of your HTML Workspace customizations, if any. 

Process Management

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
  • When a forwarded task is returned to the initiating user, it does not appear in the initiating user's task list. 
  • (Ref# NPR-11317)
  • AWS_SUBMIT click event code is bypassed. 
  • (Ref# NPR-10464)
  • User unable to perfrom claim and open activity on Workspace.
  • Issues rendering a pdf from Assigned Task with HTML Workspace.
  • Queue list is repeating when user clicks on the refresh button in To-do list tab.
  • New property "allow-xml-doctype-declaration" added to services-config.xml to mitigate SSRF vulnerability.
  • (Ref# NPR-8886)
  • (Ref# NPR-9030)
  • (Ref# CQ-58667)
  • (Ref# CQ-63111)
1054-007 Temporary files created in the operating system temp directory on rendering forms in HTML and Mobile workspaces persist LC-9312 NA
1043-005 The Mobile Workspace app fails to request the updated data for a few start points. It happens for the start points in which the form gets data via the Prepare data process.
LC-8695 NA
1134-011 Deserializing byte code into objects could be manipulated into
executing custom code, which lead to a possibility of Remote Code
Execution (RCE) without authentication.
1026-003 Upon clicking a link to a Workspace startpoint, the form does not open. 3747524 NA
1001-002 On Android devices the form in the Mobile Workspace app does not open if the form render process is set to Default Render Process. 3630161 NA

Reader Extensions

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1174-003 ApplyUsageRights fails on Reader Extensions with a java.lang.NoSuchFieldError exception. NPR-15361
Two flags added to the isEnabledFormDataImportExport() API in LiveCycle ES4 SP1 to enable import and export of data using Reader Extensions.

Rights Management

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
  • While trying to access a policy-protected document on an HTTP Server via Internet Explorer browser, if user enters wrong credentials even once, the document fails to open again, even with correct credentials.  
NPR-14508 11.0.1 COR-1141-043
  • While upgrading from LiveCycle ES2 SP2 to LiveCycle ES4 SP1, the adobe-rightsmanagement-weblogic-dsc.jar fails to get deployed. 
NPR-15767 Adobe LiveCycle ES4 SP1 (11.0.1)
  • Deserialization vulnerability in the Apache commons-collections library
CQ-69043 11.0.1 COR-1141-043
  • On opening a rights-protected document, CPU usage spikes and large amounts of POST requests are triggered to sync offline data on one cluster node.
CQ-54325 11.0.1-COR-1117-034
  • Support added for enhanced PPL on LiveCycle ES4 SP1.
LC-3914238 11.0.1-COR-1090-026
  • Rights Management server takes too long to sync documents for offline data.
  • Support added in Java SDK to disable external links in rights-protected MS Office documents.




The QF introduces the following APIs in Rights Management Policy Manager:

  • getPolicySet( )
  • createPolicySet( )
  • updatePolicySetInfo( )
  • getPolicySetIdByPolicySetName( )
  • deletePolicySets( )
  • updatePolicySetPublishers( )
  • updatePolicySetVisibleUsersGroups( )
  • updatePolicySetCoordinators( )
  • updateCoordinatorPermission()
LC-3862478 11.0.1-COR-1075-020
1076-010 Rights Management performance degrades when using queries with FIRST_ROWS hints of Oracle database.
  • Cannot add principals while creating a policy from an existing policy.
  • Added support for customizable error message to display to users accessing a rights-protected document without the required permissions.
  • Added support to display and allow changes to online expiration date of a right-protected document. 




1003-001 LiveCycle Rights Management documents experience security issues when a SOAP endpoint is used to view the documents in Acrobat/Reader.

LiveCycle SharePoint Connector

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
1094-003 SharePoint connector using basic authorization does not work over HTTPS. LC-3913338 NA
1027-001 The user is unable to activate Adobe LiveCycle SharePoint component in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 server in Claims mode.

LiveCycle Workbench

Patch ID Issues fixed Reference number Prerequisites and comments
3.7.94 Border color of the email field changes incorrectly. NPR-14362
1081-002 The Submit button in the form guide does not work.



1066-001 LiveCycle forms and Guides does not support Adobe Flash Player 3770806