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- Install and configure ColdFusion User Guide
- Install ColdFusion
- ColdFusion server profiles
- Install ColdFusion
- Configure your system
- ColdFusion licensing and activation
- About Named User Licensing and Feature Restricted Licensing in ColdFusion
- Glossary of terms in ColdFusion licensing and activation
- Named User License (NUL) in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Isolated in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Online in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Offline in ColdFusion
- Troubleshoot ColdFusion licensing errors
- ColdFusion Licensing and Activation in ColdFusion (2023 release) and earlier
- Install ColdFusion configuration
- Install integrated technologies
- Configure ColdFusion
- New JVM arguments in 2023 and 2021 updates of ColdFusion
- New JVM arguments in ColdFusion (2025 release)
- CFSetup configuration tool
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Central Config Server (CCS) in ColdFusion
- Administer ColdFusion
- Use the ColdFusion administrator
- Data Source Management for ColdFusion
- Connect to web servers
- Deploy ColdFusion applications
- Administer ColdFusion security
- Use multiple server instances
- ColdFusion Administrator API Reference
Learn about Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)-Isolated licensing in ColdFusion and how you can add an activation code, activate, or deactivate the license.
Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)—Isolated is a license activation mode for users who work on machines without an Internet connection. A unique activation code is required during package creation to create a corresponding license. The licenses are installed directly on the computers using the activation package. Also, in the case of isolated licensing, you don't need any internet connection, as it won't make any call to the Adobe activation server during activation.
Admin workflow
For an Isolated Feature Restricted Licensing package to include licensing information specific to a computer, include the activation codes for the computer when generating the package. Generate an activation code from the Licensing and Activation page in ColdFusion Administrator. After you have generated the activation code, create an Isolated Feature Restricted Licensing package in the Admin Console, and deploy it on a user machine. ColdFusion licenses using Feature Restricted Licensing - isolated does not report anything to the Admin Console. In summary, Adobe receives no data or information from client machines using this license activation method. Additionally, no usage data is reported in this licensing mode.
Generate the activation code for Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)
The activation code in the Adobe Admin Console typically refers to a redemption code or a license activation code used to activate Adobe products and services for users within an organization.
Install ColdFusion
Install ColdFusion.
After installing ColdFusion, launch the ColdFusion Administrator.
Generate the activation code
In the ColdFusion Administrator, navigate to the License and Activation page.
In the Activate License section, select Feature Restricted Licensing (Isolated) from the License Mode dropdown.
Select the type of deployment, Staging, Testing, Development, Disaster Recovery, or Production from the Deployment Type dropdown.
Select Copy Code to copy the activation code.
You’ll now use the activation code in the Adobe Admin console, download the license package, and specify the location of the package in the License Path file browser.
Create the package in Admin console
Launch the Adobe Admin console.
Select the Packages tab.
On the Packages tab, select Create a package.
Select Feature restricted licensing and then select Next.
Select the Feature Restricted Licensing option in the Admin Console Select the Feature Restricted Licensing option in the Admin Console -
Select Isolated activation and then select Next.
Enter the activation code that you generated from the ColdFusion Administrator or if you created a CSV file for multiple computers, upload the CSV file.
Select Add another code to enter multiple activation codes.
Add activation code generated from the ColdFusion Administrator Add activation code generated from the ColdFusion Administrator Note:The activation code is machine specific. If you’ve previously installed ColdFusion and you have generated the challenge code for FRL isolated package, you can use the same code for a new installation, since the machine specific activation code will not change.
Select Next.
Select the required entitlement and then select Next.
Select the entitlement Select the entitlement -
On the Configure screen, select the required options and then select Next.
Select a platform and language Select a platform and language - Choose a platform: Choose the operating system and the processor support from the following:
- macOS (Universal)
- macOS (Intel)
- macOS (Apple Silicon)
- Windows (64-bit)
- Windows (32-bit)
- Windows (ARM)
- Language: Select the language in which you want to create the package.
- Use OS Locale: Enables you to create a package that deploys in the OS language of client machine. In which case, the OS language is the default fallback language in which the package is deployed.
- Choose a platform: Choose the operating system and the processor support from the following:
On the Choose Apps screen, you’ll see the license file required to activate ColdFusion. You can ignore the Available applications section as it is not applicable to ColdFusion. ColdFusion will only use the license file, that contains the files to activate the product. Select Next.
Select the license file Select the license file -
Ignore the Choose plugins screen. It is not applicable to ColdFusion. Select Next.
Ignore the Options screen as well. It is not applicable to ColdFusion. Select Next.
On the Finalize screen, enter the name of the package. You can also view the package details that contain the entitlement, platform, and language, among other information.
Enter the name of the package to create Enter the name of the package to create -
Select Create package.
You are returned to the package list when the package creation process begins.
If the package is created successfully, you are prompted to download the package.
Also, the Download link is available in the Download column of the corresponding package row. So, you can download the package later.
A package is available in the Admin Console for up to three days. To check the time remaining to download a package, click to the right of the package’s name.
Activate ColdFusion
The downloaded package file is a .zip file format. Unzip the file and save the license on your computer. The package contains the following files:
- adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe: ColdFusion doesn’t use the file.
- ngl-preconditioning-data.json: ColdFusion uses the file for activation. The file contains npdID, npdSpecVersion, deploymentMode, operatingConfigs among other license-related information.
- PackageInfo.txt: Contains the package’s name, type, and the platform.
The ngl-preconditioning-data.json file will be used to activate ColdFusion.
Launch the ColdFusion Administrator.
Navigate to Activation page in Licensing and Activation.
Select the License Mode and the Deployment Type.
In the Activate License section, browse to the path where you’ve saved the files, and select the json file.
Select Activate. If the activation is successful, you’ll see a confirmation message. If the activation fails, you must check the logs in license.log (cfusion/logs).
After activation, the following are created in CF_HOME > .nglfiles:
- OperatingConfigs
- Certificates
- Asnps
- cfusion/lib/ngl-preconditioning-data.json
Deactivate a license
Deactivating the license reverts ColdFusion to the developer mode. Follow the steps to deactivate the license:
Launch the ColdFusion Administrator.
Navigate to the Activation section in the Licensing and Activation page.
Select Deactivate.
If the deactivation is successful, you’ll see a confirmation message. If the deactivation fails, you must check the logs in license.log (cfusion/logs).
If ColdFusion is within the trial period, it reverts to trial. All license-related files are cleared upon deactivation. The file ngl-preconditioning-data.json will be deleted after deactivation.
Admin API support
The license.cfc contains the following APIs for activation, deactivation, and generating the activation code for FRL isolated licensing.
- activateNow()
- deactivateNow()
- getChallengeCode()
Get activation code
The following script gets the activation code for FRL isolated license.
<cfscript> adminObj = createObject("component","CFIDE.adminapi.administrator"); adminObj.login("Adobe$123"); runObj = createObject("component","CFIDE.adminapi.runtime"); licenseObj = CreateObject("component","CFIDE.adminapi.license") activateResp = licenseObj.generateChallengeCode(); writeDump(activateResp) </cfscript>
Activate using Admin API
The following script activates FRL isolated license.
<cfscript> activationPackageJSONPath = ExpandPath( "./ngl-preconditioning-data.json") admin= createObject("component","CFIDE.adminapi.administrator") admin.login("Adobe$123") licenseObj = CreateObject("component","CFIDE.adminapi.license") response = licenseObj.activateNow(activationPackageJSONPath, "Production") writeDump(response) </cfscript>
Deactivate using Admin API
The following script deactivates FRL isolated license.
<cfscript> admin= createObject("component","CFIDE.adminapi.administrator") admin.login("Adobe$123") licenseObj = CreateObject("component","CFIDE.adminapi.license") response = licenseObj.deactivateNow() writeDump(response) </cfscript>
Install ColdFusion silently with FRL isolated license
A silent installation does not interact with the user. A silent installation is useful when you install ColdFusion on multiple computers with the same installation options and configuration.
You can use the silent installer to install the ColdFusion server configuration, multi-server configuration, or JEE configuration. The silent installer runs on all the platforms that ColdFusion supports.
Create the properties file
The file is an ASCII text file that defines the installation parameters. Specify the details as provided in the file. Select only the ones that apply to your installation type.
Note: Using the silent installer, you'll be able to install ColdFusion, but you need to log into the ColdFusion Adminustrator, and activate the license from the License and Activation page.
GUI installer
Use the following properties in the file.
#Silent properties for ColdFusion 2025 GUI Installer INSTALLER_UI=SILENT #Valid Values are 1/2/3 (full/trial/developer) SILENT_INSTALL_TYPE= #Valid values are 1/2 (NUL/FRL) SILENT_LICENSE_ACTIVATION_MODE=2 SILENT_LICENSE_FILE_PATH=C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\License\\ngl-preconditioning-data.json #Valid values are 1/2 (ENT/STD) SILENT_LICENSE_EDITION=2 #Valid values are 1/2/3/4/5 (Production/Development/Staging/Testing/Disaster_Recovery) SILENT_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE= #Valid values are 1/2/3 (ear/war/standalone) SILENT_SERVER_TYPE=3 SILENT_INSTALL_JNBRIDGE=false #Remote administrator component for server remote start/stop SILENT_INSTALL_ADMIN=false SILENT_INSTALL_SOLR=false SILENT_INSTALL_PDFG=false #For Linux it would be as /opt/coldfusion2025 (Change it as per your path) SILENT_INSTALL_FOLDER=C:\\ColdFusion2025 #Enable one of Prod(secure/prod)/dev profile. These 3 are mutually exclusive and only one of them can be true and others are false. SILENT_ENABLE_PROD_SECURE_PROFILE=false SILENT_ENABLE_PROD_DEFAULT_PROFILE=false SILENT_ENABLE_DEV_PROFILE=true #IP addresses from which Administrator can be accessed. SILENT_ADMIN_IP= #IP address of the CF installed machine through which PDFG/Solr service would be accessed remotely. SILENT_JETTY_IP= SILENT_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin SILENT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=Adm1n$12 SILENT_ENABLE_RDS=true SILENT_RUNTIME_USER= #Provide password when enable RDS is true SILENT_RDS_PASSWORD=Adm1n$12 #username/password of remote administrator component for server remote start/stop SILENT_JETTY_USERNAME=admin SILENT_JETTY_PASSWORD=Adm1n$12 #Context Root for J2ee Installation SILENT_CONTEXT_ROOT= SILENT_AUTO_ENABLE_UPDATES=true #For Linux it would be as /opt/coldfusion11 (Change it as per your path) SILENT_PREV_CF_MIGR_DIR= #Enable/Disable the servlets depending on if they are not used by your application or not. #Applicable only if production OR Production+Secure profile is enabled. For Dev profile, all are enabled by default. ENABLE_RDS=false ENABLE_WSRP=false ENABLE_JSDEBUG=false ENABLE_CFR=false ENABLE_CFSWF=false ENABLE_CFFORMS=false
ZIP installer
To silently install the service, enter the following command:
- Execute cfinstall.bat --file-name <file name> --installer-mode silent
- Execute cfinstall.bat -f <file name> -i silent
- Execute ./ --file-name <file name> --installer-mode silent
- Execute ./ -f <file name> -i silent
The file requires the below properties to be mentioned in a specific format to install the service silently.
#Silent properties for ColdFusion 2025 ZIP Installer # ColdFusion Administrator password COLDFUSION_ADMIN_PASSWORD=Adobe$123 # Internal webserver port COLDFUSION_ADMIN_PORT=8550 # Install License type - 1-Install new version of Adobe ColdFusion 2025 with License , 2-30-day trial, 3-Developer Edition INSTALL_TYPE=1 # Edition - 1-Enterprise,2-Standard LICENSE_EDITION=2 # Mode - 1-NUL,2-FRL LICENSE_ACTIVATION_MODE=2 # FRL License File Path LICENSE_FILE_PATH=C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\License\\ngl-preconditioning-data.json # Accept EULA- true. To proceed, you must accept the EULA EULA_ACCEPTED=true # IP address from which Administrator can be accessed IP_ADDRESSES= # Specify the deployment type- 1-Production, 2-Development, 3-Staging, 4-Testing, 5-Disaster recovery DEPLOYMENT_TYPE=5 # Name of the ColdFusion service COLDFUSION_WIN_SERVICE_NAME=cftest1 # Server profile - 1-Production+Secure, 2-Production, 3-Development. SERVER_PROFILE=1 # Specify the RDS password COLDFUSION_RDS_PASSWORD=Adobe$123 # ColdFusion install location COLDFUSION_INSTALL_LOCATION=C:\\ColdFusion_2025_WWEJ_win64\\ColdFusion\\
Frequently asked questions
View Frequently Asked Questions in ColdFusion for more information on ColdFusion Named User Licensing and Feature Restricted Licensing.
The process for acquiring an FRL Isolated license typically involves contacting Adobe sales or an authorized reseller. They will guide you through the eligibility requirements and the purchase process. The specific details regarding entitlement and procurement are not covered in the source.
FRL Online requires an internet connection to verify licenses with Adobe's servers. FRL Offline and Isolated licenses do not require internet access for activation. FRL Isolated licensing is further restricted to single machines by using a unique activation code.
An activation code uniquely identifies a machine's configuration for FRL Isolated licensing. It's required to generate an isolated package and bind the license to a specific machine.
Feature Restricted Licensing isolated licenses expire on the date the contract ends.
No, an FRL Isolated package is specific to the machine where the challenge code was generated and cannot be reused on other machines.
No, the activation code changes if machine configurations such as RAM or memory are altered, requiring a new package.
Updates can be applied manually by downloading them on another machine (if behind a firewall) and transferring them to the machine where ColdFusion is installed.
Yes, you can deactivate an FRL Isolated license through the ColdFusion Administrator. Upon deactivation, the associated license files on the machine are deleted. You can then reactivate using the same license package as long as the hardware configuration of the machine hasn't changed.
No, FRL Isolated licenses are non-transferable. They are tied to the specific machines identified by their challenge codes during the license creation process.
Once the license contract is renewed, re-download the package, and add the package path. For example, if your contract ends in Dec 2025, and you’ve renewed it till 2028, then you must re-download the package, and apply it.
Yes, it is possible.