Jitter UV | Substance 3D Designer

Jitter UV

In: Substance Model graph/Modification



The Jitter UV node applies a random amount of transformation within tweakable ranges on the UVs of each mesh in an input scene.


  • Assets Scene
    The input scene holding the meshes which UVs should be randomly transformed.
  • Random number generator seed Integer
    Random seed value used in the pseudo-random value selection in your set ranges.
  • Jitter position range
    • U
      • Min Float
        The floor of the range for the random amount of translation on the U-axis, in UV space units.
      • Max Float
        The ceiling of the range for the random amount of translation on the U-axis, in UV space units.
      • Step Float
        The step from one possible random value to the next within the range.
    • V
      • Min Float
        The floor of the range for the random amount of translation on the V-axis, in UV space units.
      • Max Float
        The ceiling of the range for the random amount of translation on the V-axis, in UV space units.
      • Step Float
        The step from one possible random value to the next within the range.
  • Jitter rotation range
    • R
      • Min Float
        The floor of the range for the random amount of rotation around the W-axis, in degrees.
      • Max Float
        The ceiling of the range for the random amount of rotation around the W-axis, in degrees.
      • Step Float
        The step from one possible random value to the next within the range.
  • Jitter scale range
    • Uniform scale Boolean
      Apply an equal amount of scaling on both the U-axis and the V-axis.
    • S
      • Min Float
        The floor of the range for the random amount of scaling, as a multiplier of the base scale.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to True.
      • Max Float
        The ceiling of the range for the random amount of rotation around the W-axis, as a multiplier of the base scale.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to True.
      • Step Float
        The step from one possible random value to the next within the range.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to True.
    • U
      • Min Float
        The floor of the range for the random amount of scaling on the U-axis, as a multiplier of the base scale.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to False.
      • Max Float
        The ceiling of the range for the random amount of scaling on the U-axis, as a multiplier of the base scale.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to False.
      • Step Float
        The step from one possible random value to the next within the range.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to False.
    • V
      • Min Float
        The floor of the range for the random amount of scaling on the V-axis, as a multiplier of the base scale.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to False.
      • Max Float
        The ceiling of the range for the random amount of scaling on the V-axis, as a multiplier of the base scale.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to False.
      • Step Float
        The step from one possible random value to the next within the range.
        Note: This parameter is only available when the Uniform scale parameter is set to False.

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