- CFML Reference User Guide
- ColdFusion functions
- ColdFusion functions by category
- Functions a-b
- Abs
- ACos
- AddSOAPRequestHeader
- AddSOAPResponseHeader
- AjaxLink
- AjaxOnLoad
- ApplicationStop
- ArrayAppend
- ArrayAvg
- ArrayClear
- ArrayContains
- ArrayContainsNoCase
- ArrayDelete
- ArrayDeleteAt
- ArrayDeleteNoCase
- ArrayEach
- ArrayFilter
- ArrayFind
- ArrayFindAll
- ArrayFindAllNoCase
- ArrayFindNoCase
- ArrayInsertAt
- ArrayIsDefined
- ArrayIsEmpty
- ArrayLen
- ArrayMap
- ArrayMax
- ArrayMin
- ArrayNew
- ArrayPrepend
- ArrayReduce
- ArrayResize
- ArraySet
- ArraySetMetadata
- ArraySlice
- ArraySort
- ArraySum
- ArraySwap
- ArrayToList
- Asc
- ASin
- Atn
- AuthenticatedContext
- AuthenticatedUser
- BinaryDecode
- BinaryEncode
- BitAnd
- BitMaskClear
- BitMaskRead
- BitMaskSet
- BitNot
- BitOr
- BitXor
- BooleanFormat
- Abs
- Functions-c-d
- CacheGet
- CacheGetAllIds
- CacheGetMetadata
- CacheGetProperties
- CacheGetSession
- CacheIdExists
- CachePut
- CacheRegionExists
- CacheRegionNew
- CacheRegionRemove
- CacheRemove
- CacheRemoveAll
- CacheSetProperties
- CallStackDump
- CallStackGet
- CanDeSerialize
- Canonicalize
- CanSerialize
- Ceiling
- CharsetDecode
- CharsetEncode
- Chr
- CJustify
- Compare
- CompareNoCase
- Cos
- CreateDate
- CreateDateTime
- CreateObject
- CreateObject: .NET object
- CreateObject: COM object
- CreateObject: component object
- CreateObject: CORBA object
- CreateObject: Java or EJB object
- CreateObject: web service object
- CreateODBCDate
- CreateODBCDateTime
- CreateODBCTime
- CreateSignedJWT
- CreateEncryptedJWT
- CreateTime
- CreateTimeSpan
- CreateUUID
- CSRFGenerateToken
- CSRFVerifyToken
- DateAdd
- DateCompare
- DateConvert
- DateDiff
- DateFormat
- DatePart
- DateTimeFormat
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfWeekAsString
- DayOfYear
- DaysInMonth
- DaysInYear
- DE
- DecimalFormat
- DecodeForHTML
- DecodeFromURL
- DecrementValue
- Decrypt
- DecryptBinary
- DeleteClientVariable
- Deserialize
- DeserializeJSON
- DeserializeXML
- DirectoryCopy
- DirectoryCreate
- DirectoryDelete
- DirectoryExists
- DirectoryList
- DirectoryRename
- DollarFormat
- DotNetToCFType
- Duplicate
- Functions-e-g
- EncodeForCSS
- EncodeForDN
- EncodeForHTML
- EncodeForHTMLAttribute
- EncodeForJavaScript
- EncodeForLDAP
- EncodeForURL
- EncodeForXML
- EncodeForXMLAttribute
- EncodeForXpath
- Encrypt
- EncryptBinary
- EntityDelete
- EntityLoad
- EntityLoadByExample
- EntityLoadByPK
- EntityMerge
- EntityNew
- EntityReload
- EntitySave
- EntityToQuery
- Evaluate
- Exp
- ExpandPath
- FileClose
- FileCopy
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileGetMimeType
- FileIsEOF
- FileMove
- FileOpen
- FileRead
- FileReadBinary
- FileReadLine
- FileSeek
- FileSetAccessMode
- FileSetAttribute
- FileSetLastModified
- FileSkipBytes
- FileUpload
- FileUploadAll
- FileWrite
- FileWriteLine
- Find
- FindNoCase
- FindOneOf
- FirstDayOfMonth
- Fix
- Floor
- FormatBaseN
- GeneratePBKDFKey
- GenerateSecretKey
- GetApplicationMetadata
- GetAuthUser
- GetBaseTagData
- GetBaseTagList
- GetBaseTemplatePath
- GetClientVariablesList
- GetComponentMetaData
- GetContextRoot
- GetCPUUsage
- GetCurrentTemplatePath
- GetDirectoryFromPath
- GetEncoding
- GetException
- GetFileFromPath
- GetFileInfo
- GetFreeSpace
- GetFunctionCalledName
- GetFunctionList
- GetGatewayHelper
- GetHttpRequestData
- GetHttpTimeString
- GetK2ServerDocCount
- GetK2ServerDocCountLimit
- GetLocale
- GetLocaleDisplayName
- GetLocalHostIP
- GetMetaData
- GetMetricData
- GetPageContext
- GetPrinterInfo
- GetPrinterList
- GetProfileSections
- GetProfileString
- GetReadableImageFormats
- GetSafeHTML
- GetSAMLAuthRequest
- GetSAMLLogoutRequest
- GenerateSAMLSPMetadata
- GetSOAPRequest
- GetSOAPRequestHeader
- GetSOAPResponse
- GetSOAPResponseHeader
- GetSystemFreeMemory
- GetSystemTotalMemory
- GetTempDirectory
- GetTempFile
- GetTemplatePath
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeZoneInfo
- GetToken
- GetTotalSpace
- GetUserRoles
- GetVFSMetaData
- GetWriteableImageFormats
- Functions-h-im
- Hash
- HMac
- Hour
- HQLMethods
- HTMLCodeFormat
- HTMLEditFormat
- IIf
- ImageAddBorder
- ImageBlur
- ImageClearRect
- ImageCopy
- ImageCreateCaptcha
- ImageCrop
- ImageDrawArc
- ImageDrawBeveledRect
- ImageDrawCubicCurve
- ImageDrawLine
- ImageDrawLines
- ImageDrawOval
- ImageDrawPoint
- ImageDrawQuadraticCurve
- ImageDrawRect
- ImageDrawRoundRect
- ImageDrawText
- ImageFlip
- ImageGetBlob
- ImageGetBufferedImage
- ImageGetEXIFMetadata
- ImageGetEXIFTag
- ImageGetHeight
- ImageGetIPTCMetadata
- ImageGetIPTCTag
- ImageGetMetadata
- ImageGetWidth
- ImageGrayscale
- ImageInfo
- ImageMakeColorTransparent
- ImageMakeTranslucent
- ImageNegative
- ImageNew
- ImageOverlay
- ImagePaste
- ImageRead
- ImageReadBase64
- ImageResize
- ImageRotate
- ImageRotateDrawingAxis
- ImageScaleToFit
- ImageSetAntialiasing
- ImageSetBackgroundColor
- ImageSetDrawingColor
- ImageSetDrawingStroke
- ImageSetDrawingTransparency
- ImageSharpen
- ImageShear
- ImageShearDrawingAxis
- ImageTranslate
- ImageTranslateDrawingAxis
- ImageWrite
- ImageWriteBase64
- ImageXORDrawingMode
- Functions-in-k
- IncrementValue
- InputBaseN
- Insert
- Int
- InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
- Invoke
- InitSAMLAuthRequest
- InitSAMLLogoutRequest
- InvokeCFClientFunction
- IsArray
- IsAuthenticated
- IsAuthorized
- IsBinary
- IsBoolean
- IsClosure
- IsCustomFunction
- IsDate
- IsDateObject
- IsDebugMode
- IsDefined
- IsImage
- IsImageFile
- IsInstanceOf
- IsIPv6
- IsK2ServerABroker
- IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded
- IsK2ServerOnline
- IsLeapYear
- IsLocalHost
- IsNull
- IsNumeric
- IsNumericDate
- IsObject
- isOnline
- IsPDFArchive
- IsPDFFile
- IsPDFObject
- IsProtected
- IsQuery
- isSamlLogoutResponse
- isSafeHTML
- IsSimpleValue
- IsSOAPRequest
- IsSpreadsheetFile
- IsSpreadsheetObject
- IsStruct
- IsUserInAnyRole
- IsUserInRole
- IsUserLoggedIn
- IsValid
- IsValidOauthAccesstoken
- IsXmlAttribute
- IsXmlDoc
- IsXmlElem
- IsXmlNode
- IsXmlRoot
- JavaCast
- JSStringFormat
- Functions-l
- LCase
- Left
- Len
- ListAppend
- ListChangeDelims
- ListContains
- ListContainsNoCase
- ListDeleteAt
- ListEach
- ListFilter
- ListFind
- ListFindNoCase
- ListFirst
- ListGetAt
- ListInsertAt
- ListLast
- ListLen
- ListMap
- ListPrepend
- ListQualify
- ListReduce
- ListRemoveDuplicates
- ListRest
- ListSetAt
- ListSort
- ListToArray
- ListValueCount
- ListValueCountNoCase
- LJustify
- Location
- Log
- Log10
- LSCurrencyFormat
- LSDateFormat
- LSDateTimeFormat
- LSEuroCurrencyFormat
- LSIsCurrency
- LSIsDate
- LSIsNumeric
- LSNumberFormat
- LSParseCurrency
- LSParseDateTime
- LSParseEuroCurrency
- LSParseNumber
- LSTimeFormat
- LTrim
- Functions-m-r
- Max
- Mid
- Min
- Minute
- Month
- MonthAsString
- Now
- NumberFormat
- ObjectEquals
- ObjectLoad
- ObjectSave
- OnWSAuthenticate
- ORMClearSession
- ORMCloseAllSessions
- ORMCloseSession
- ORMEvictCollection
- ORMEvictEntity
- ORMEvictQueries
- ORMExecuteQuery
- ORMFlush
- ORMFlushall
- ORMGetSession
- ORMGetSessionFactory
- ORMIndex
- ORMIndexPurge
- ORMReload
- ORMSearch
- ORMSearchOffline
- ParagraphFormat
- ParameterExists
- ParseDateTime
- Pi
- PrecisionEvaluate
- ProcessSAMLResponse
- ProcessSAMLLogoutRequest
- Quarter
- PreserveSingleQuotes
- QueryAddColumn
- QueryAddRow
- QueryConvertForGrid
- QueryExecute
- QueryFilter
- QueryGetResult
- QueryGetRow
- QueryKeyExists
- QueryMap
- QueryNew
- QueryReduce
- QuerySetCell
- QuotedValueList
- QueryEach
- Rand
- Randomize
- RandRange
- ReEscape
- REFind
- REFindNoCase
- ReleaseComObject
- REMatch
- REMatchNoCase
- RemoveCachedQuery
- RemoveChars
- RepeatString
- Replace
- ReplaceList
- ReplaceNoCase
- REReplace
- REReplaceNoCase
- RestDeleteApplication
- RestSetResponse
- RestInitApplication
- Reverse
- Right
- RJustify
- Round
- RTrim
- Functions-s
- Second
- SendGatewayMessage
- SendSAMLLogoutResponse
- Serialize
- SerializeJSON
- SerializeXML
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SessionGetMetaData
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SetDay
- SetEncoding
- SetHour
- SetLocale
- SetMonth
- SetProfileString
- SetVariable
- SetYear
- Sgn
- Sin
- Sleep
- SpanExcluding
- SpanIncluding
- SpreadsheetAddAutoFilter
- SpreadsheetAddColumn
- SpreadsheetAddFreezePane
- SpreadsheetAddImage
- SpreadsheetAddInfo
- SpreadsheetAddPageBreaks
- SpreadsheetAddRow
- SpreadsheetAddRows
- SpreadsheetAddSplitPane
- SpreadsheetCreateSheet
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumn
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumns
- SpreadsheetDeleteRow
- SpreadsheetDeleteRows
- SpreadsheetFormatCell
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatCellRange
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatColumns
- SpreadsheetFormatRow
- SpreadsheetFormatRows
- SpreadsheetGetCellComment
- SpreadsheetGetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetGetCellValue
- SpreadsheetGetColumnCount
- SpreadsheetInfo
- SpreadsheetMergeCells
- SpreadsheetNew
- SpreadsheetRead
- SpreadsheetReadBinary
- SpreadsheetRemoveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber
- SpreadsheetSetCellComment
- SpreadsheetSetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetSetCellValue
- SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth
- SpreadsheetSetFooter
- SpreadsheetSetHeader
- SpreadsheetSetRowHeight
- SpreadsheetShiftColumns
- SpreadsheetShiftRows
- SpreadsheetWrite
- Sqr
- StripCR
- StructAppend
- StructClear
- StructCopy
- StructCount
- StructDelete
- StructEach
- StructFilter
- StructFind
- StructFindKey
- StructFindValue
- StructGet
- StructGetMetadata
- StructInsert
- StructIsEmpty
- StructKeyArray
- StructKeyExists
- StructKeyList
- StructMap
- StructNew
- StructReduce
- StructSetMetadata
- StructSort
- StructToSorted
- StructUpdate
- StoreSetMetadata
- StoreGetACL
- StoreGetMetadata
- StoreAddACL
- StoreSetACL
- Functions-t-z
- Tan
- ThreadJoin
- ThreadTerminate
- Throw
- TimeFormat
- ToBase64
- ToBinary
- ToScript
- ToString
- Trace
- Transactionandconcurrency
- TransactionCommit
- TransactionRollback
- TransactionSetSavePoint
- Trim
- UCase
- URLDecode
- URLEncodedFormat
- URLSessionFormat
- Val
- ValueList
- VerifyClient
- Week
- Wrap
- WriteDump
- WriteLog
- WriteOutput
- WSGetAllChannels
- WSGetSubscribers
- WSPublish
- WSSendMessage
- XmlChildPos
- XmlElemNew
- XmlFormat
- XmlGetNodeType
- XmlNew
- XmlParse
- XmlSearch
- XmlTransform
- XmlValidate
- Year
- YesNoFormat
- ColdFusion Tags
- ColdFusion tag summary
- ColdFusion tags by category
- Application framework tags
- Communications tags
- Database manipulation tags
- Data output tags
- Debugging tags
- Exception handling tags
- Extensibility tags
- File management tags
- Flow-control tags
- Forms tags
- Internet Protocol tags
- Page processing tags
- Security tags
- Variable manipulation tags
- Other tags
- Tags a-b
- Tags c
- Tags f
- cffeed
- cffile
- cffile action = "append"
- cffile action = "copy"
- cffile action = "delete"
- cffile action = "move"
- cffile action = "read"
- cffile action = "readBinary"
- cffile action = "rename"
- cffile action = "upload"
- cffile action = "uploadAll"
- cffile action = "write"
- cffileupload
- cffinally
- cfflush
- cfform
- cfformgroup
- cfformitem
- cfftp
- cfftp: Connection: file and directory operations
- cfftp: Opening and closing FTP server connections
- cfftp : Opening and closing secure FTP server connections
- cfftp action = "listDir"
- cffunction
- Tags g-h
- Tags i
- Tags j-l
- cfjava
- cflayout
- cflayoutarea
- cfldap
- cflocation
- cflock
- cflog
- cflogin
- cfloginuser
- cflogout
- cfloop
- cfloop : conditional loop
- cfloop : index loop
- cfloop : looping over a COM collection or structure
- cfloop : looping over a date or time range
- cfloop : looping over a list, a file, or an array
- cfloop : looping over a query
- Tags m-o
- cfmail
- cfmailparam
- cfmailpart
- cfmap
- cfmapitem
- cfmediaplayer
- cfmenu
- cfmenuitem
- cfmessagebox
- cfmodule
- cfNTauthenticate
- cfoauth
- cfobject
- cfobject: .NET object
- cfobject: COM object
- cfobject: component object
- cfobject: CORBA object
- cfobject: Java or EJB object
- cfobject: web service object
- cfobjectcache
- cfoutput
- Tags p-q
- Tags r-s
- Tags t
- Tags u-z
- CFML Reference
- Reserved words and variables
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Function summary Ajax
- ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
- ColdFusion.Autosuggest.getAutosuggestObject
- ColdFusion.Layout.enableSourceBind
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.getMessageBoxObject
- ColdFusion.ProgressBar.getProgressBarObject
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.isMessageBoxDefined
- JavaScriptFunctionsinColdFusion9Update1
- ColdFusion ActionScript functions
- ColdFusion mobile functions
- Application.cfc reference
- Script functions implemented as CFCs
- ColdFusion Flash Form style reference
- Styles valid for all controls
- Styles for cfform
- Styles for cfformgroup with horizontal or vertical type attributes
- Styles for box-style cfformgroup elements
- Styles for cfformgroup with accordion type attribute
- Styles for cfformgroup with tabnavigator type attribute
- Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes
- Styles for cfinput with radio, checkbox, button, image, or submit type attributes
- Styles for cftextarea tag and cfinput with text, password, or hidden type attributes
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value of 1
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value greater than 1
- Styles for cfcalendar tag and cfinput with dateField type attribute
- Styles for the cfgrid tag
- Styles for the cftree tag
- ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference
- ColdFusion event gateway reference
- ColdFusion Event Gateway reference
- addEvent
- CFEvent
- CFEventclass
- Constructor
- Gateway development interfaces and classes
- getStatus
- setCFCPath
- setCFCMethod
- getOriginatorID
- getLogger
- getBuddyList
- getBuddyInfo
- IM gateway message sending commands
- IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
- onIncomingMessage
- onIMServerMessage
- onBuddyStatus
- onAddBuddyResponse
- onAddBuddyRequest
- IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
- IM gateway methods and commands
- CFML CFEvent structure
- warn
- info
- setOriginatorID
- data command
- submit Multi command
- submit command
- setGatewayType
- setGatewayID
- setData
- setCFCListeners
- outgoingMessage
- getStatusTimeStamp
- numberOfMessagesReceived
- numberOfMessagesSent
- removeBuddy
- removeDeny
- removePermit
- setNickName
- setPermitMode
- setStatus
- SMS Gateway CFEvent structure and commands
- SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure
- getStatusAsString
- getProtocolName
- getPermitMode
- getPermitList
- getNickName
- getName
- getDenyList
- getCustomAwayMessage
- getQueueSize
- getMaxQueueSize
- getHelper
- getGatewayType
- getGatewayServices
- getGatewayID_1
- getGatewayID
- getData
- getCFCTimeout
- setCFCTimeout
- getCFCPath
- getCFCMethod
- GatewayServices class
- Gateway interface
- GatewayHelper interface
- addPermit
- addDeny
- addBuddy
- error
- debug
- Logger class
- stop
- start
- CFML event gateway SendGatewayMessage data parameter
- restart
- fatal
- SMS gateway message sending commands
- ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
- ColdFusion Java CFX reference
- WDDX JavaScript Objects
- Cloud services
- ColdFusion and GCP Storage
- ColdFusion and GCP Firestore
- ColdFusion and GCP PubSub
- ColdFusion and Amazon S3
- ColdFusion and DynamoDB
- ColdFusion and Amazon SQS
- ColdFusion and Amazon SNS
- ColdFusion and MongoDB
- ColdFusion and Azure Blob
- ColdFusion and Azure Service Bus
- Multi-cloud storage services
- Multi-cloud RDS databases
- ColdFusion and Azure Cosmos DB
<cfhtmltopdf> creates high quality PDF output from a text block containing CFML and HTML using the PDF Service Manager.
The WebKit implementation for <cfhtmltopdf> is referred as PDFG (acronym of PDF Generator) which is shipped as part of the Jetty installer. The component running inside the Jetty server is referred as the service manager, which takes request for PDF conversion from one or many ColdFusion server/s. (In Windows, the service runs as the ColdFusion 11 Add-on service, which processes both Solr and PDFG requests.)
The WebKit implementation for <cfhtmltopdf>:
- Encapsulates the PDF conversion library.
- Performs HTML to PDF conversion in process.
ColdFusion (2023 release) has added new PDF Engine 2.0. The enhanced PDF engine in ColdFusion, version 2.0, is a powerful tool for converting HTML to high-quality PDF standards. It supports HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, allowing developers to create complex layouts and designs easily. The engine is particularly useful for generating professional-looking PDF documents without requiring extra coding beyond standard HTML usage.
View Enhanced PDF 2.0 in ColdFusion for more information.
When you generate a PDF using HTML or CFML, you have to ensure that XSS vulnerabilities cannot be exploited. Hence, you must take relevant measures to protect your system against such vulnerabilities. Also, note that ColdFusion provides encoding functions for XSS protection. See the following functions:
Data output tags
ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 3 - Added the attribute language.
See Also
cfhtmltopdfitem, cfdocument, cfdocumentitem
<cfhtmltopdf> encryption = "AES_128|RC4_40|RC4_128|RC4_128M|None" conformance="PDF 2.0 supports the creation of PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-3a conformant files, as well as other PDF/A subformats." </cfhtmltopdf> |
Attribute |
Req/Opt |
Default |
Description |
encryption |
Optional |
none |
AES_128 RC4_40 RC4_128 RC4_128M None |
source |
Required |
URL of the source HTML document. In ColdFusion 11, an HTTP URL auto-redirects to an HTTPS URL. In ColdFusion 2016, enter the HTTPS URL manually as there will be no auto-redirects from HTTP to HTTPS. |
conformance | Optional | The supported PDF/A conformance levels are PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b and PDF/A-3u. For more information, view Enhanced PDF 2.0 in ColdFusion. | |
destination |
Optional |
Pathname of a file to contain the PDF output. If you omit the destination attribute, ColdFusion displays the output in the browser. |
language |
Optional |
English |
Document language. |
marginBottom |
Optional |
Bottom margin in inches (default) or centimeters. To specify the bottom margin in centimeters, include the unit=cm attribute. |
marginLeft |
Optional |
Left margin in inches (default) or centimeters. To specify the left margin in centimeters, include the unit=cm attribute. |
marginRight |
Optional |
Right margin in inches (default) or centimeters. To specify the right margin in centimeters, include the unit=cm attribute. |
marginTop |
Optional |
Top margin in inches (default) or centimeters. To specify the top margin in centimeters, include the unit=cm attribute. |
name |
Optional |
Name of an existing variable into which the tag stores the PDF. |
orientation |
Optional |
portrait |
Page orientation: portrait landscape |
overwrite |
Optional |
no |
Specifies whether ColdFusion overwrites an existing file. Used in conjunction with the destination attribute. |
ownerPassword |
Optional |
Specifies the owner password. Cannot be same as userPassword. |
pageHeight |
Optional |
Page height in inches (default) or centimeters. This attribute is only valid if pagetype=custom. To specify page height in centimeters, include the unit=cm attribute. |
pageType |
Optional |
letter |
Page type into which ColdFusion generates the report:
legal: 8.5 inches x 14 inches. letter: 8.5 inches x 11 inches. A4: 8.27 inches x 11.69 inches. A5: 5.81 inches x 8.25 inches. B4: 9.88 inches x 13.88 inches. B5: 7 inches x 9.88 inches. B4-JIS: 10.13 inches x 14.31 inches. B5-JIS: 7.19 inches x 10.13 inches. custom: custom height and width. |
pageWidth |
Optional |
Page width in inches (default) or centimeters. This attribute is only valid if pageType=custom. To specify page width in centimeters, include the unit=cm attribute. |
permissions |
Optional |
(format="PDF" only) Sets one or more of the following permissions: AllowPrinting AllowModifyContents AllowCopy AllowModifyAnnotations AllowFillIn AllowScreenReaders AllowAssembly AllowDegradedPrinting AllowSecure All None |
saveAsName |
Optional |
The filename that appears in the SaveAs dialog when a user saves a PDF file written to the browser. |
unit |
Optional |
in |
Default unit for the pageHeight, pageWidth, and margin attributes: in: inches. cm: centimeters. |
userPassword |
Optional |
Specifies a user password. Cannot be same as ownerPassword. |
Note: <cfhtmltopdfItem> is added to support adding header/footer/pagebreak in the generated PDF. See The new <cfhtmltopdfitem> tag.
Refer to the kb doc Differences between cfdocument and cfhtmltopdf for more information.
Limitation: If you use cfhtmltopdf to convert an HTML page, that contains a form, to PDF, the resultant PDF will not contain the form fields. This is a limitation of the PDFg service, if PDFg is configured to run as a service. If you run PDFg from the command line, then the form fields will work as expected.
The following example shows the most basic usage of <cfhtmltopdf>, to create a PDF from CFML code, returning a PDF for display:
<cfhtmltopdf> This is a test <cfoutput>#now()#</cfoutput> </cfhtmltopdf>
The following example shows the most basic usage of <cfhtmltopdf>, to create a PDF from content returned from a URL, returning a PDF for display:
<cfhtmltopdf source="http://www.google.com/" />
The following example shows using options to control height, width, and save the content to a file instead of for display. The file is saved (by default) into the same directory as the template containing the code:
<cfhtmltopdf destination="usage_example.pdf" overwrite="yes" source="http://www.google.com/" unit="in" pageheight="8" pagewidth="4" pagetype="custom" />
The following example shows how you can set margins, and also adds code to display the resulting file to the user using CFContent:
<cfhtmltopdf destination="usage_example2.pdf" source="http://www.google.com" overwrite="true" orientation="portrait" pagetype="A4" margintop="1" marginbottom="1" marginleft="1" marginright="1" /> <cfcontent file="#getdirectoryfrompath(getbasetemplatepath())#usage_example2.pdf" type="application/pdf" >
The following example shows how you can protect the PDF, requiring the user to enter a password to open the file:
<cfhtmltopdf destination="usage_example3.pdf " source="http://www.google.com" overwrite="true" orientation="portrait" pagetype="A4" margintop="1" marginbottom="1" marginleft="1" marginright="1" ownerpassword="owner" userpassword="user" encryption="RC4_128" permissions="AllowPrinting,AllowCopy" />